Chapter 7 - Haunt Jaunt

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"Even if we can't find heaven, I'll walk through Hell with you!
Love, you're not alone, 'cause I'm gonna stand by you!
Even if we can't find heaven, I'm gonna stand by you!
Even if we can't find heaven, I'll walk through Hell with you!"

Molly and Jack sang at the top of their lungs. Ask any of the employees at their Starbucks; when Molly and Jack are on shift together and the café is empty, it's a party.

They both froze when they heard the bell above the door ding and someone clapping slowly. Mark walked in and leaned on the counter.

"You sound gorgeous. Absolutely beautiful." Mark joked.

"May I help you?" Jack giggled.

"I was just wondering if you were busy tomorrow?" Mark asked. Molly grinned at Jack.

"I'd love to hang out," Jack started, "But I can't. I'm busy." Jack sighed sadly. He felt awful for turning Mark down.

"Oh, that's okay!" Mark brushed it off, pretending he wasn't incredibly disappointed and crushed.

"I guess we can still hang out, if you wanna come with me?" Jack tried to cheer Mark up.

"Sure. What are you doing." Mark asked, feeling slightly better.

"I have a dance thing going on." Jack turned around and started making Mark a drink.

"You dance?" Mark asked.

"Ooh! It's the Haunt Jaunt, right?" Molly asked excitedly.

"Yeah. I've been dancing since I was four." Jack stopped talking to turn on the blender. Once he was done, he continued. "Every October, Los Angles Dance Theatre, my dance studio, does a performance at the Haunt Jaunt. It's a Halloween 5k Family Fun Run in downtown LA. We dance at the side of the running trail to songs like Thriller, Monster Mash, This is Halloween, and whatever. Everyone dresses up like zombies and when we're not dancing we run up and scare the runners. It's a ton of fun." Jack slid Mark's drink across the counter. "We have like five dances and we just repeat them over and over for five hours, but it's so much fun. Molly will be there; you should come, too." Jack smiled.

"Sounds awesome! I'll be there." Mark grinned.

"I'll pick you guys up from your houses at 4:30." Molly handed Mark her phone. "Can you give me your number and address?" She asked. While Mark typed in her phone Molly turned to Jack. "Are you gonna do the creepy walk thing?" She asked, her voice wavering slightly.

"Aw, are you scared?" Jack laughed.

"I'm not scared! It's just creepy and gross!" Molly wrung her hands together.

"It's not gross, it's just a backbend. You think it's gross just 'cause you can't do it." Jack stuck his tongue out at Molly.

"But if not everyone can do it, is the human body really meant to bend that way?" Molly shuddered.

"What's the creepy walk?" Mark asked and handed Molly her phone.

"I'll show you tomorrow. Molly hates it." Jack ran a hand through his hair. Suddenly Mark's phone started buzzing. He checked to see who was calling.

"I gotta go, sorry!" Mark backed towards the door.

"See ya tomorrow!" Molly and Jack called.


Mark jumped when he heard a car honk outside his house. He stepped outside and locked the door behind himself. Molly was in her car, waving out the window.

"You can sit in the front so you don't get crushed in the back." Molly rolled down the window and told Mark. Mark sat in the front and buckled himself in.

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