Chapter 14 - Year One

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Jack paced the hallways anxiously, trying to ignore the everlasting voices echoing around him as he tried to repeat his routine over and over in his head.

"Jack, it's okay. It's going to be alright." Mark's eyes followed the boy as he marched in circles and chewed his fingernails.

"Look at everyone here, Mark. These people have been doing cheer throughout their entire lives, and here I am, just jumping right in with some false hope that I'll make it on the team." Jack sighed, feeling his throat and eyes begin to ache. "I won't make it on the team. It's hopeless; I shouldn't have signed up."

"Jack, you're going to do great!" Mark practically leaped out of is seat to wrap his boyfriend in his arms. "Think about all of the years you've done dance. You are one of the most talented people I have ever met; don't let anyone make you think you are anything less than absolutely amazing."

"Dance is different from cheerleading." Jack sighed doubtfully.

"What about acro? That's a lot like cheerleading." Mark ran his hands through Jack's hair.

"But it's different..." Jack rested his head on Mark's chest.

"Hey, did you ever get anywhere in dance by being scared?" Mark kneeled down to look Jack in the eye.

"Well," Jack hesitated, thinking back. "No?"

"Have you ever won a competition by doubting that you could win?" Mark continued his barrage of questions.

"No..." Jack looked down at his feet.

"How many times have you fallen down in dance class?" Mark asked, looking into Jack's eyes.

"I don't know..." Jack mumbled.

"And how many times have you gotten back up?" Mark rested his hand on Jack's cheek.

"Every time I've fallen down." Jack cracked a small smile.

"Then what makes cheer any different? It's new, yes, but just like dance, you're not going to get anywhere by being scared of falling down." Mark stroked Jack's face with his thumb. Jack's smile widened, and he giggled.

"Number 23!" A lady peered into the waiting room. Jack glaced down at his number again. 24...

"You're going to do so great!" Mark squeezed Jack in a tight hug. Jack giggled into his chest, hugging him back. The two boys rocked back and forth, Mark whispering comforting things into Jack's ear as they waited.

"Number 24!" The lady called again. Jack pulled away from Mark and kissed one of his hands. Mark gave Jack two thumbs up as he watched Jack walk out of the room.

Mark sat back in a chair, running his hands through his hair as his heart suddenly started beating faster.

"Hey, are you gay?" A girl walked up to Mark.

"I mean, I have a boyfriend." Mark shrugged.

"It's a shame that such a tall, handsome guy like you is gay, but it's fine. You guys are cute together." The girl grinned. Mark flashed her a half-smile, unsure of whether to be insulted or flattered.

"Number 25!"

"Tell your boyfriend I said good luck!" She grinned as she bounced away. Mark stood up and left the room, walking out into the hallway. The girl stood outside of the gym, signing papers and talking to one of the coaches as she waited for Jack to finish. Mark could hear the faint music echoing from inside, but he couldn't see anything. A few minutes later, Jack walked out, and the other girl walked in.

Jack stared up at Mark with a painfully sad expression. His blue eyes were shining brightly, but he looked like he was on the brink of tears. Mark's heart sunk, but then Jack broke character and started giggling, then looked up at Mark with bright eyes and a massive grin.

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