Chapter 5 - Work

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"And then we went to my apartment," Jack continued telling his story to Molly with a huge smile on his face.

"Ooh, is this going where I think this is going?" Molly winked over exaggeratedly and seductively.

"No, shut up!" Jack giggled. "And I showed him my art and then we went out onto the balcony. We both just talked and looked out into the night sky, but Mark kept staring at me, and I kept staring at Mark, and then he told me I was beautiful, and I was like 'Oh, thank you', and he goes 'Shit, did I just say that out loud?'" Jack took a sip of his fruppachino as Molly laughed. "So so I told him he was even more beautiful, and he goes 'You said that out loud', and I said 'I know', and then we kissed!" Jack bounced up and down excitedly and Molly squealed.

"Finally!" She squealed and hugged Jack. "What was it like?" She asked with a huge grin.

"Absolutely amazing and indescribable. But I had to stand on my tippy toes and he had to bend down, but it was really cute." Jack giggled. "And when we pulled away, you could see the stars in his eyes. It was so beautiful." Jack sighed nostalgically.

"I'm so happy for you! You're so lucky." Molly grinned.

"It was just that moment we kissed that everything just clicked. Like before we liked each other, but then in that moment we just totally fell in love. I don't know how to describe it, but it was kind of like jumping off a diving board. Before I was on that edge and ready to dive into the water, and after the kiss it was like just falling and being surrounded by so much love and trust." Jack couldn't hide his smile.

"That's so cheesy, but cute." Molly giggled. Suddenly the door opened and the two tried to act natural. "Oh, hey Mark! How has your morning been?" She smiled sweetly while Jack quickly looked at his reflection in the drive-through window to make sure he looked okay.

"Oh, fine! How was yours?" Mark chuckled, knowing Jack told her everything.

"Oh, fine. There haven't been a whole lot of people so it's been pretty calm." She sipped her iced coffee.

"Good morning, Mark." Jack slid across the floor and leaned across the counter.

"Good morning, Jack." Mark giggled. Molly waved to the two boys and walked to the back. "I had a wonderful time last night." He smiled softly, his eyes half-lidded as he looked down at his adorable boyfriend.

"I did, too. We should definitely do that again sometime." Jack looked up at his boyfriend with wide, glowing eyes.

"You know what else we should do again?" Mark smirked.

"What?" Jack asked innocently.

"This." Mark leaned forward and kissed Jack on the lips. Jack kissed back and smiled, feeling Mark's hand rest on his cheek. He stood on his tippy toes, wanting to be as close to Mark as possible. Molly walked back into the room and froze. Jack opened his eye slightly, and jumped back when he saw Molly. Mark stumbled backwards and semi-gracefully fell into a seat, then crossed his legs and smiled innocently.

"Sorry, I forgot my drink!" Molly quickly reached across the counter and grabbed her iced coffee. "Carry on!" She quickly scampered to the back room. Once she was gone, Mark and Jack both burst into a fit of giggles.

"Oopsie." Jack giggled cutely. Mark stood up, leaned across the counter, and hugged Jack.

"Stop being so cute." Mark chuckled, burying his face into Jack's shoulder. "Actually, nevermind, don't stop. I like it when you're cute; keep doing that." Mark giggled and kissed Jack's cheek.

"Thank you, I like being cute." Jack snuggled into Mark's arms.

"When do you get off work?" Mark whined.

"Midnight." Jack sighed.

"What? You have to work that late?" Mark pulled back and looked at Jack with a concerned face.

"Every day except Friday and Saturday." Jack avoided Mark's gaze.

"How late do you work Friday?" Mark asked.

"One in the morning..." Jack admitted.

"Jack, you're overworking yourself!" Mark's heart dropped.

"Rent is expensive, and I'm trying to save money for college and surgery." Jack looked down at his feet.

"You can't overwhelm yourself, it's not good for you..." Mark lifted Jack's chin with his finger.

"I'm sorry..." Jack sighed.

"Don't apologize, it's okay. Just... Don't overwork yourself and stay happy, okay?" Mark looked into Jack's eyes. Jack immediately hugged Mark and buried his face in his shoulder.

"I love you so much, thank you for caring about me..." He mumbled.

"I'd do anything to keep you happy." Mark promised, hugging him close. A little phone camera click was heard from the corner of the room as Molly darted back to the back room. "I have to go, but I'll see you tomorrow?" Mark smiled softly.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow." Jack looked up at Mark, but kept his head resting on Mark's chest. Mark giggled, bent down, and planted a small kiss on Jack's forehead. He waved as he walked out the door, leaving Jack lost in thought as he leaned over the counter, watching Mark lovingly as he walked away.


So later today I have an audition and a show. And guess what...


I'm super congested, my throat hurts, and I feel dizzy every time I stand.


And sorry for the short chapter, I just didn't know what more to write :/

Anyway, thank you guys so much for reading and if you liked it PUNCH that vote button in the face, LIKE A BOSS! And I will see all you bosses IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!

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