Chapter 6 - I Love You

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One month later...

Jack walked into his new STEM class and sat down. His schedule had been changed, so he no longer had Mrs. Vickery or his other transphobic teacher, Coach Key. He had been in STEM already, so he already started their current project, he just had this class in first period, now, instead of fourth.

He sat at a computer and pulled out his graph paper. They were designing a house on graph paper and then creating a 3D model of it on the computer. Jack started adding the finishing touches to his paper, but a voice behind him made him jump.

"I didn't know you were in STEM." Mark smirked as he sat at the computer next to Jack's.

"Hey! We're in the same class now!" Jack grinned.

"What's your new schedule?" Mark asked, pulling out his new schedule. He had changed his classes because he couldn't stand being in Vickery's class. Jack lay his new schedule on the table, and Mark gasped. "No way..." He lay his schedule beside Jack's.

Mark Fischbach
STEM - Lidington, H101
Algebra II - Stolarski, K112
Tech Apps - Fraser, H109
AP Science - Mobley, B106
Free Period
Band - Wood, H105
AP Humanities English - Jackson, B104
AP Humanities History - Wyatt, B105

J̶a̶c̶q̶u̶e̶l̶i̶n̶e̶ McLoughlin
STEM - Lidington, H101
Algebra II - Stolarski, K112
AP Science - Mobley, B106
Advanced Art - Downey, H110
Free Period
American Sign Language - Berry, B100
AP Humanities English - Jackson, B104
AP Humanities History - Wyatt, B105

"We have five classes together!" Jack grinned excitedly.

"I didn't know you were in humanities?" Mark said.

"What, you thought I was dumb?" Jack joked.

"No! I just didn't know you were... Smart." Mark chuckled. Jack rolled his eyes and turned to the computer. Mark gasped when he saw Jack's project.

"No way! Your house is awesome! I wish mine was that detailed..." Mark sighed, handing Jack his papers.

"Yours is awesome! It's two stories and it's got a lot more than mine does." Jack handed back his papers. "I just went for something super simple with as few rooms as possible because I suck at computers." Jack opened up the 3D modeling software on the school's computer.

"I love computers." Mark opened up his saved project. "I just suck at art, so we each have our own thing." Mark chuckled.

"I just hope I get this finished on time." Jack chuckled a he began building a new room to his house.

"You take sign language?" Mark asked as he worked on his project.

"Yeah, it's way easier than learning a whole new language." Jack leaned back in his chair.

"Sign something." Mark turned to Jack. Jack thought for a moment before turning his chair to Mark. He held up his hand. His ring finger and middle finger were down, but his pinky, index finger, and thumb were extended. He turned back to his computer and continued working. "Rock on?" Mark asked.

"No, it means something else." Jack chuckled.

"What does it mean?" Mark asked. Suddenly the bell rang.

"I love you." Jack smiled.

"I love you too, but what does it mean?" Mark whined.

"It means 'I love you'." Jack giggled.

"Oh." Mark rolled his eyes. They both picked up their bags and walked out into the hall.

"You're such a goof." Jack held Mark's hand. He felt his face turn slightly pink. Even though they had been dating for a month, Jack still blushed every time they held hands or kissed.

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