Chapter 11 - Surgery

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They sat in the waiting room, waiting. That's what that room is for, isn't it?

Mark flicked through his phone and Jack leaned on his shoulder. Jack played with Mark's fingers, nervously waiting for the doctors to call him in. Mark looked at Jack and saw how nervous he was. He ran his hands through Jack's hair and kissed him sweetly. Another boy across the room smiled softly then looked back down at the magazine he was reading.

"Jack McLoughlin?" A nurse called. Jack sat up straight and looked to the nurse. "Let's get you ready for your surgery." She smiled politely and held the door open for Jack. Mark and Jack both stood up. Mark held both of Jack's hands and looked into his baby blue eyes. He kissed Jack softly on the lips, relieving him of his worries, before letting him go to follow the nurse.

Jack looked down at his feet as he followed the nurse. He picked at his nails anxiously, still trying to decide if he was nervous or excited. The nurse led him to a room full of doctors, and after she talked for ages with the surgeons, she handed him a hospital gown.

"You can go in this room to change." The nurse pointed to a closet-like bathroom to Jack's left. Jack shuffled into the bathroom and locked the door.


Jack opened his eyes to see a bright light. He blinked several times, trying to clear his blurry vision. Once he could see, he saw the smiling faces of the doctors and nurses.

"Would you like to see the new you, Jack?" The doctor asked, holding up a mirror.

"Wait, I want my boyfriend to see my reaction." Jack tried not to look down or move.

"Of course. What's his name?" The doctor set down the mirror.

"Mark Fischbach." Jack even tried to hold his breath so that he wouldn't feel the loss of weight on his chest, wanting to save the entire experience to share with Mark. While he waited, a nurse talked to him about medications and what to do in order to make a proper recovery until he could get his stitches out.

"Do you mind if I record this?" Jack heard Mark's voice.

"Go ahead." Jack laughed breathily.

"Go." Mark said right before he tapped the record button.

"Alright, Jack, would you like to see the new you?" The doctor asked again, holding the mirror in front of Jack.

Jack slowly sat up. He felt so much lighter and he could breathe easier. He looked in the mirror at the stitches and medical tape and saw just what he had been waiting for for years. His face flooded with happiness and tears started streaming down his face. The nurses pat his back and said their congratulations. Mark stopped the recording and immediately started crying, wanting to run over and hug Jack.

"T-Thank you, so much..." Jack sobbed, thanking the doctors. Mark walked over slowly and gently hugged Jack's shoulders, trying not to hurt him.

"Remember to have him get lots of rest, and don't let him lift heavy objects or do any heavy work. He needs to relax and take it easy until he recovers." A nurse told him. "Tonight, you'll stay here. We don't want to send you home right after surgery." The nurse told Jack. "Mark, would you like to come with me to talk about his testosterone?" She asked. Mark nodded, letting go of Jack. Jack smiled brightly, excited to finally get his testosterone.


One week later...

"Are you comfortable?" Mark asked Jack, tucking the blanket over his small body.

"I'm fine, Mark." Jack giggled.

"But are you good? Are you comfortable?" Mark asked worriedly.

"I'm perfect." Jack giggled.

"Good." Mark kissed Jack's forehead and sat down. "Are you ready to start testosterone?" Mark asked with a huge smile. Jack nodded nervously, but he was still excited. Mark opened the box and pulled out the needle and the little bottle of testosterone. Jack looked away and closed his eyes, not wanting to see the needle. Mark pinched Jack's arm like the nurse showed him and quickly injected him. Jack winced and tensed up, but once it was over he relaxed and sat back. "Woohoo." Mark cheered quietly and popped a party popper.

"You're such a dork." Jack rolled his eyes. Then he pulled Mark close, burying his face into Mark's shoulder. "Thank you..." He began to tear up.

"I love you so much. You mean the world to me." Mark lightly hugged Jack's shoulders.

"I'm not made of glass, dummy." Jack giggled.

"But I don't wanna hurt you!" Mark whined, kissing the top of Jack's head.

"You're not gonna hurt me." Jack looked up at Mark. "You could never hurt me." He smiled sweetly.

"Unless if I punched you in the stomach." Mark replied innocently.

"Ew, you're so dorky. Get away from me." Jack giggled and shoved Mark off of him. After a moment of comfortable silence, Jack finally spoke. "I can't really feel the testosterone." He shrugged and pulled the blanket up to his chin.

"It'll take a while to work." Mark wrapped his arm around Jack's shoulders.

"I guess I just thought I'd feel the manliness coursing through my veins." Jack giggled.

"You're so manly." Mark ruffled Jack's hair. "Just the manliest."

"I'm the manliest man alive." Jack rested his head on Mark's chest and closed his eyes. "You can't even handle how manly I am." Jack yawned.

"It takes a real man to be as cute as you are." Mark smiled softly. Jack hummed contently as he slowly drifted off to sleep, happier than he had ever been in a long time.


Sorry that it's been so long! I've been really focused on other stories, but I've had a little bit of inspiration to write a bit more of this book. I hope you guys still enjoy it <3

Anyway, thank you guys so much for reading, and if you liked it, PUNCH that vote button in the face, LIKE A BOSS! And I will see all you bosses... IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!

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