Chapter 17 - Found Out

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Three years later...

"There, totally fixed." Jack stood back, admiring his work.

"That... Doesn't fix it." Mark laughed, staring at his broken diamond play button. Jack had duct taped the diamond back on.

"Yes it does. In fact, I think it looks better than it did before." Jack countered.

"I'm still gonna sue you for breaking it." Mark glared at Jack.

"You asked me to throw you your phone!" Jack argued.

Suddenly, someone started banging frantically on the front door. "YOUR UBER IS HERE!" Ethan shrieked from the other side of the door.

"COMING!" Mark called, then ran to the living room to grab his and Jack's bags. He handed Jack his suitcase, then opened the front door.

"You have your diamond play button, Mr. Ego?" Ethan joked.

"No, it's still broken." Mark explained. "So I can't carry it around VidCon and brag about it to everyone that I meet."

"Poor you." Jack pouted sarcastically.

Ethan snatched Jack in a tight hug. "Dude, it's so awesome you're coming along! You're gonna have fun!"

"I'll do my best... Just gotta stay incognito." Jack chuckled. "I think I'll wander around the convention on my own. You guys can do your YouTube thing."

"You're still coming to the YouTuber party, right?" Mark asked.

"Yeah, I'll be there." Jack sighed and put his luggage in the back of Tyler's car.

"Don't be so nervous, you're gonna have fun!" Ethan took Jack's hand and dragged him to the back seat.

"I've never been to a convention before!" Jack explained for the hundredth time. "I'm just kinda anxious. And I don't wanna accidentally out Mark in front of a billion fans."

"It's alright, we're gonna be fine." Mark slid into the front seat and reached around to the back seat. "Just promise you'll have a good time, alright?"

Jack took a deep breath. "Okay, I promise."


At the YouTuber party, Mark dragged Jack around shamelessly and openly. He made it very clear to everyone he talked to when he introduced Jack that they were dating. Quite a few people were surprised, but Mark had never felt happier.

"Mark, you weren't supposed to tell people!" Jack harshly whispered to him when they were able to be alone.

"These people are my friends. Also, kind of people I work with. They should be able to know things about me." Mark argued. Jack glared at Mark and crossed his arms. "Hey, these people do the same thing I do. They're all YouTubers; they understand that we all have a personal life outside of our job. They can keep a secret."

"These people are all strangers." Jack whined.

"To you! I know them, and I trust them." Mark looked into Jack's eyes. They both glared at each other firmly, but also softly and lovingly. "Do you trust me?"

Jack paused and took a breath. "Yes." He finally gave in quietly.

"Then hold my hand, and let me be proud of my wonderful boyfriend." Mark held out his hand.

Jack pouted, crossing his arms tighter like a toddler.

Mark groaned and forcefully took Jack's hand and tugged him back into the crowd.

"Hey, you're Markiplier!" A girl ran up to Mark. "We met at last VidCon. It's so good to see you again!" She held out her hand and shook Mark's excitedly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2018 ⏰

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