Chapter 15 - Year Two

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Warning: Mild Sexual Content

Mark giggled as he pulled Jack into their bedroom at Mark's house. Jack and Mark shared a room at Mark's parents' house over the summer, and for the very first time, Mark's parents weren't home.

Jack shut the door and leaned against it, softly biting his lip as he looked up at Mark. His eyes clouded over as he gazed lovingly at his boyfriend. Mark grabbed his hips and pushed him further against the door before attacking his lips, kissing him passionately.

Jack sighed as Mark kissed down his neck. He felt Mark's warm hands trail up his shirt, softly caressing his stomach before moving to his back. Mark yanked Jack's shirt off and tossed it aside, and Jack grabbed Mark's face and kissed him sloppily. He started pushing Mark backwards towards the bed. The back of Mark's knees bumped the foot of the bed, and he fell backwards, sitting on the soft mattress. Jack settled in a straddle on his lap, then started unbuttoning Mark's shirt. With each button he undid, he placed a kiss on Mark's newly exposed chest. His kisses trailed down Mark's torso until his shirt was completely unbuttoned. Jack sat back in Mark's lap and peeled off Mark's shirt. He tossed it aside with a light-hearted chuckle, then returned to kissing Mark's lips.

Mark flipped them over, laying Jack flat on the bed as his started kissing Jack's neck. He shifted downwards and started leaving small hickeys on his stomach. Mark reached Jack's waistline, then stopped. He moved himself back upward, and looked Jack in the eyes.

He placed his hand on the edge of Jack's pants, and they both froze. The breath caught in Jack's throat, and his eyes widened in fear. He looked down, then back up again, then at Mark's hand and then into Mark's eyes. He took a deep sigh, and was overwhelmed with the fear and guilt of disappointing Mark.

"Uh... I... Mark..." He stopped. He swallowed, then grabbed Mark's hand and moved it off of the waist of his jeans. "I... I'm really sorry, I'm... I'm sorry... I'm just... Oh God, I'm so sorry..." Jack stumbled over his words.

"Hey, it's okay." Mark sat up, then pulled Jack so he was sitting up, as well. "Don't apologize! It's totally fine!"

"I... Ugh, I just feel really bad." Jack covered his face.

"Aw, Jack, don't feel bad!" Mark pulled Jack close and hugged him tightly. "There's absolutely nothing to feel bad about. Please don't apologize, I completely understand."

Jack took a deep breath. "I'm just not ready. I don't wanna have sex until I've had bottom surgery, y'know? I'm sorry, I shouldn't have led you on, I feel so bad..."

"Jack, you didn't lead me on." Mark cupped Jack's face in his left hand. "I honestly understand. It's all okay. You have nothing to apologize for." Mark kissed Jack's forehead. "We'll have sex when you're ready, okay?"

"Okay." Jack sighed. Mark kissed his lips softly, then hugged him tightly. Jack hugged him back, letting out a sigh of relief.


"I am... Unbearably gay. Like, on a scale of one to ten, I'm probably one hundred and seven." Jack babbled as he lay backwards on Mark's bed, hanging his head upside down and watching him unpack.

"That's a big mood." Mark stuffed clothes into his drawers.

"Like, I can't help it. Guys are really hot. Mega attractive. Every time I see a guy, I cry. They're too sexy for this world." Jack drummed his fingers on his stomach.

"I'm the hottest hot guy you know, though, right?" Mark asked, turning around. He kneeled down in front of Jack and gazed into his eyes.

Jack rolled over so he could see Mark right side up, and leaned close to his face. "Hmm, I was gonna be sarcastic, but you're definitely the hottest guy I know."

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