Chapter 37: Guilty or nah?

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"I'm gonna ask you this question one more time, and I want you to be honest!" I'd crumpled up the note in the palm of my hand.


I'd literally had to chase after him, during lunch I hadn't seen him, and through out the rest of the day, during the classes we had together, he'd completely ignored me. I'd even thrown paper balls at his back from where I sat, but it's like they hadn't even hit him. He'd carried on, looking at his phone, like tapping his thumbs on the screen was his absolute favorite thing ever.

It was starting to get on my nerves.

Like, I didn't care who he was texting, could've been Olandra, or her friend...or Cindy...or some other girl...or whoever the hell he wanted to hook up with.

But he was ignoring me. And I'd been putting up with it all damn morning long, but by the time the final bell rang, I knew he would stop by his locker, he always did. So not a second after the bell rang, I was already standing by my locker, with the door open. Pretending to be looming for something, but really, just waiting for Joel.

If he was the one behind the letters I wanted to know and I wanted to know now!

Seconds later, as predicted, he was putting in his locker combination on the circular piece.

"Ahem." I stood up and swiftly shut the metal door closed behind me.

He didn't even glance up at me. Instead, continued to rummage through his Economics binder, taking his precious time.


"Hmm?" He said, picking up a blue sheet and bringing it closer to his face, examining it.

"I'm talking to you."

"Is that so?" He replied in a calm monotone voice.

With my arms crossed on my chest, I stood behind him, waiting until he got his very last assignment for that night.

When he was done he finally got up slowly, locked his locker, and then turned around to face me for just half a second .

"Well salu." He said, playing with the keys on his right hand, getting ready to pickup his backpack.

"You're not going anywhere. Not until you tell me why you've been writing me these stupid notes!" I held up the pink note in his face.

"I've no idea what you're talking about, I thought we'd already been over this before." He shrugged carelessly.

"EXACTLY!" I snapped, then took a deep breath, "I'm gonna ask you this question one more time, and I want you to be honest!" I'd crumpled up the note in the palm of my hand.

"Was it...really you?"

"For the umpteenth time, no." He said.

"But these words...everything this last note says just fits in perfectly with that's happened between us and—" I gasped for breath, suddenly taking in the scent of his cologne.

His cologne?

"Biscocho, stop sexually harassing me." He smirked, and that's when I realized I had him pushed up against his locker, with my left hand gripping tightly onto the collar of his shirt.

I felt my cheeks grow warmer, but I didn't let go. It had only been a few days since we'd actually talked, but....I couldn't possibly have missed him.

He bit his lower lip as his dark eyes flickered from my eyes to my mouth. His keys dropped to the floor in that instant.

Then his phone rang, and I immediately jumped back, away from him.

"Well uh bye Bis- I mean Jade." He straightened up.


"I'm guessing you have a ride? Or..?" He shot me a skeptical glance before picking up his backpack.

"Yeah don't worry about it." I half smiled, taking out my phone.

"Alright." He turned around and for some reason, the strangest feeling took over me as my eyes followed him until he reached the main door.

He hadn't even insisted I go home with him anymore.

It was alright. It was better this way, the sooner we got away from each other, the sooner we'd forget we'd ever even felt anything.

"Ay no, Jade." I was taken aback by the sound of Zabdiel's voice beside me.

"What?" I wiped my eyes faster than the speed of light.

I wasn't gonna cry.

Goddammit I wasn't crying, no.

"Come here ami, someone needs a bear hug." He brought me into a warm a hug, I hadn't known how much I needed.

A few minutes later, no questions asked, Zabdiel drove me home.

The first thing I did when I got to my room, was look out the window. Just curious to know if Joel had taken a detour again.

And he had.

He didn't come until 1:32 a.m.

After I'd taken a shower, I went straight to bed, and no sooner had my eyelids shut closed, than my phone vibrated.

Papi: you say you don't care, but you still wait for me to come home. Why ?

Well I hope ya liked the chapter! I'm currently working on a new fanfic! Who do u think it's gonna be on? Any guesses?


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