Chapter 57: Of Guilt and Legos

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"Dude I swear if every morning was to be like this, I'd gladly wake up at five." Joel drew soft circles on the back of my hand.

"Same, Dude." I mocked him, stretching the oou in dude.

Side by side, we sat on the deck of the yacht, watching the sun rise from its slumber, like a child from its sleep, ready to bring the joy of day.

Aware of the fact that I was wearing his shirt over my undergarments, after I'd taken a shower in the lower level of the yacht, he kept smiling like there would be no tomorrow every time I caught him glancing at me.

"You okay?" I asked him, bringing my knees to my chest.

"Okay? No." He sighed,"More like I still-can't-believe-you-actually-more-than-slept-with-me, that kind of okay." He gave me a toothy grin.

"Alright." I laughed.

"It actually happened, like I didn't dream it. I mean , you're wearing my shirt! And you're here, next to me." He explained, the way one explains scientific proof.

"Um," I cleared my throat,"You—you had actually dreamed about..." I glanced at the wooden floor, "..ya know?"

"Unless you're willing to make my dreams come true, I don't think you wanna know about them, Biscocho." He smirked.

"Tu nunca cambias." I rolled my eyes. *you never change*

"And that's why you love me." He draped his arm over my shoulders.

"Says you." I playfully muttered under my breath.

"Que?" He gasped, "Is that how you really feel about me? Even after last night?"

"Oh yeah, definitely." I joked, and turned slightly to the left, so that our faces would be mere centimeters apart, then, I placed a soft kiss on his cheek.

"Mm, I smell mint." He grinned, "Wait," He pecked my lips, "Yeah, totally mint."

"Tengo hambre," *I'm hungry* I sighed.

"Oh yeah I almost forgot, wait right here, and close your eyes." His eyes lit up, as he grinned mischievously.

"I don't know how to feel about this, but alright." I shut my eyes, as the sound of his footsteps faded on the wood.

Minutes later I could feel his presence before me.

"Biscocho de mi corazón, please open your mouth." I did as told, and within seconds I tasted the most exquisite thing ever.

"Despacito." Joel giggled, "Saboréalo."

"I don't know what it is, but it's an explosion of flavor!" I exclaimed over excitedly.

"Chill, Taco Bell," Joel giggled, "I forgot the fancy name, but It's a mushroom-sausage omelette." Joel explained triumphantly.

"Me encanta!" I reached for the fork. *I love it!*

"Y tu a mi." He smirked. *and I love you!*

"We should probably do the virtual check in, just to save us some time at the airport," I got up to go get my phone and turned it on. Seconds later it came to life, buzzing in the palm of my hand.

Three texts : Ms.Agatha
Five missed calls: Christopher

"Good idea, Biscocho." He walked over to where I stood, wondering whether or not to call back Christopher, yet as Joel hugged me from behind, and placed his chin on my shoulder, I decided that I wanted to enjoy the last of our moments together, and that my Christopher issues could wait.

Our flight back to America was scheduled to leave at 8:00 a.m.

By the time we got back to the hotel, Mrs.Agatha and Eli had just gotten back from the breakfast buffet, and were heading back to their room to start packing.

"Buenisimos Dias Everyone!" Joel beamed at them, in the highest of spirits. This caused Mrs.Agatha to briefly slide down her glasses as she glanced at us funny. " Morning." She grumbled.

"Hey guys," Eli managed to give us a half smile, but it was his glossy eyes that gave away his gloomy mood. It was after all our last morning in the pasta paradise, and Eli wouldn't get to say goodbye to Adelina.

I felt a sudden guilt grip my heart, and I knew Joel felt it too, as I saw his shoulders grew tense, and he squeezed my hand. We really should have tried harder. We had one job and we blew it.

"Not to be a hater or anything, but sometimes I just wish I could sneak into the bedrooms of jerk's like Adelina's father, and scatter Legos all over the pinche floor, so that in the morning when he gets up his pinche feet discover what true pain feels like!" Joel's fists were balled at his sides as we walked into our hotel room, to pack our things.

I shut the door behind Joel, and sat on the carpet, by the foot of the bed, bringing my knees to my chest, "We failed him," I whispered to myself, as Joel strolled over to the bathroom. Seconds later my phone rang, Incoming Call From Christopher.

Without giving it a second thought, I declined it. Again. Because once again I wasn't ready to face the truth. The inevitable truth.

Hola you fabulous churros! I know it's been a century or so since my last update, but I have reincarnated as a vampire, and happen to be determined to finish this story (If you guys still like it) ! I apologize for my um ausencia...I know I know, I deserve to step on a lego too. This was a bit of a filler chapter, I'm sowy. Next chapter will be in Eli's POV, YAY or NAY?


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