Chapter 24: Why so nosy?

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"You're starting to scare me Joel...."

"I..I..ahem" he cleared his throat.


"Wait...That's not the way to do this...I shouldn't have called you...I'm such an idiot.." He mumbled softly.

"I'm not getting any younger...Infact I can feel them wrinkles forming, yikes imma need to borrow some of my mom's anti wrinkle cream at this rate-"

"Jade will you shut up for a sec?!"

"Mmkay so..?"

"I don't know...I mean I do, it's just that I don't fucking know how to say this, Like I do need to say it , I just...find it hard to for some fucking reason you make me feel all sorts of crazy and all I know is that I just can't be with anyone else. No seriously tho, don't laugh..." He sounded frustrated.

"And ?" I found myself inevitably smiling.

"Well, the other day when I left with Cindy...nothing really happened, being with her made me feel guilty, disloyal and overall I just couldn't stop thinking about you, which lemme tell you was a major turn off for her, like when I suggested we go to the library instead.." He confessed.

"Why are you telling me this? It's not like I care you know, we have deal, remember? Not a relationship." I argued.

"Yes biscocho I do remember, but...I want more."

More? More as in , a real relationship?

"Goodnight Joel, It's been a long day and I don't have time for all this prattle."

"Goodnight Biscocho, sueña conmigo preciosa, porque yo te aseguro soñare contigo." *dream about me, gorgeous, because I assure you I will dream of you* were his last words , before hanging up.

From Papi: I know your scared to trust, but there's only one thing stronger than fear....and that biscocho, is hope. Just FYI I'm very hopeful :)

Me: your

Papi: really😑😑😑

Me: ;)


I didn't really want to know what he meant with "hopeful " but I wasn't about to find out.

The following morning, I got up super early, which I'll have you know was a huge sacrifice on my behalf; considering the fact that my warm, cozy bed seemed to call out BABY COME BACK, as I stood up.

I called Zabdiel, who was a getting a ride from Richard, who lived pretty far from my house and would then be joined by Sebastian.

I ended up getting a ride from a very groggy  Erick.

"Why so sleepy? " I asked as he drove .

"Why so nosy?" He snapped .

"Excuse me?"

"Sorry I need sleep. And coffee, some iced coffee would be nice right now."

"Me too, aye has Christopher talked to you? Because he's avoiding me like the Black Plague." I smiled.

"Let's just say he's the reason why the gorgeous monument beside you barely slept. He's in Ecuador."


"I know right, the dude's like completely gone nuts." He replied, making a stop ,

"Why's he in Ecuador? "

"He needed to clear his thoughts and some shit, he also mentioned something about unreturned love or whatever. Aye who would've thought he still cared about Cindy?" He questioned.

"Cindy? What does this have to do with Cindy? " I asked confused.

"Because she broke up with him, duh "

No, If I thought I was lost, Erick was definitely beyond comprehension. It had been the other way around. Christopher had broken up with her, they made it look like it had been the other way around just because he didn't want people to bother her. Was I the only one who knew about this? Well then again, we did know each other's secrets .

"Right." I cleared my throat.

"All the campaigning must have you really stressed out." He suggested.

"Yeah that's totally it." I lied.

"Don't worry Jade, I'm willing to do everyone I have to, in order to help you win."

"You mean everything ?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah that too." He chuckled.

Once we got to school we split up and went to our own lockers to get our needed binders and supplies for first period.

The day had been truly awful, I'd done my best to limit my contact with Joel.

My thoughts were clouded by so many questions I couldn't really answer. Everything was like a darn puzzle with damaged pieces, therefore impossible to solve, yet it was worth a try.

From Papi : please meet me by the school garden during lunch? I promise not to kidnap you...well not if I don't have to biscocho ;)

I was currently sitting by the staircase, reading my latest note.

I hate getting flashbacks.

They all awake the guilt and regret within me. They're awful. It's truly awful, trying to run away from something you can't escape.

It's like trying not to fall in love with whom you shouldn't ; completely inevitable.

But yesterday, by just a single gesture , I got the best flashback I ever could've.

The first time I saw you.

You're my favorite flashback Jade, if only you could be my future...

-anonymous '

Ello! I apologize for the delay, I've legit only had like a few hours of sleep this past week and yesterday I kinda just passed out lmao, GUAT IS SLEEP? I DUNNO BUT IF IT TASTES LIKE QUESO THEN...

Hope ya liked the chapter! PS if u wanna know who 'anonymous ' is, there's hints in EVERY note, so keep an eye out for that!

Should I update mañana?


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