Chapter 14: Guats this sneaking out thing?

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Our eyes locked for a second, but his stupid hand kept tracing up up up...

I mischievously smile, finally getting it together.

But would it hurt if I-

"Sikeeee!" He chuckles softly, retreating his hand. "Don't you know it's impolite to stab your friends with a fork?"

He says , glancing at the fork in my hand, ready to dig into his warm hand.

"But we're not friends." I reply.

"Ouch, that hurts biscocho, after all we've been through? " he shakes his head disapprovingly, emphasizing fake hurt.

"Just give me back my phone!" I whisper a little too loud.

"Wait hold on a sec." He says trying to go on my phone.

"Haha nice try boy! My phone's got a passcode, which you don't know!" I smirk.

I go back to eating my lasagna, and try to ignore him.

You'll never guess my passcode!

Seconds later, mr hand makes a return to my thigh.

I glare at Joel, but he only passes me back my phone.

"I didn't need your passcode after all." He smiles evilly.

I looked at him questioningly, but he didn't add anything else.

Through out the rest of dinner I kept wondering, where is momma Pimentel?

Mr.Pimentel briefly said that they were divorced, but that had been it .

Once dinner was over, we headed back home.

It wasn't until I was in the comfort of my room, in black sweatpants and my Hogwarts long sleeved shirt, that it occurred to me, to check my phone.

What could Joel possibly have done or yet worse, seen?

My ugly selfies?

Or my way too many screenshots of Shawn Mendes? , oh Gosh now he knows how creepy I am...

Or Sebastian's texts?

But there was no trace of him anywhere, if he had seen anything, I would never know.

I suddenly got a random text from :

Papi: omfg calm down Jade, I DID NOT go through ur camera roll ;)

Papi? OHHH. It had to be Joel...


Papi: u know u mentally call me that already, so I figured 😏

Me: u could've just asked for my number ya know😑 & how'd you even remember it ? Bc I didn't see ur phone during dinner???

Papi: that's cuz I'm not "most ppl" I'm limited edition and ... U should know I have a photographic memory
It's impossible for me to forget ANYTHING. Just saying Biscocho ;)

Me: aight if u say so 🍉

2 seconds later....

5 seconds later....

8 seconds later...

Why are you not replying?

10 seconds later....

Papi : I gotta go Biscocho, goodnight

Me: night weird boy with a photographic memory :)

Papi: goodnight girl who wants to stab me with a fork...damn ur such a menace :D

I turned the lights off, then watched his window from mine, and noticed he wasn't going to sleep, unless he slept in a leather jacket, perfectly done hair and his phone in hand. Then he turned the lights off, and shut the door behind him.

Oh you're not going alone...

Something got into me and I felt this weird urge, this curiosity, and I had to follow him, and so I did.

Sneaking out at this time? Are you out if your mind? Yes I kind of am, now shut up conscience, I'm trying to figure out how this 'sneaking out' thing works.

I closed the front door as quietly as possible and headed out.

He didn't take his car, as I had expected, he was talking on the phone, whilst he started walking, perhaps in the direction of Zamoré park. It wasn't too far.

I followed him, but kept atleast a five feet distance, I really didn't want to get caught.

All I could hear was, "Si Yoandri...I'm on my I doubt it."

He hung up and walked for a few more minutes, until the park came into view.

On one of the benches , sat his friend Yoandri.

They did a handshake, and I stood behind a thick tree.

Joel took out a cigarette, his friend shot him a disapproving glare, but he lit it anyways.

Why do you smoke? What causes you to do it? I wondered, as I tilted my head slightly, peeking behind the tree.

I didn't have enough time to get my answers, because just as I was completely lost in watching Joel, someone put a hand on my mouth before I had any time to scream for help.

It's like they say :

Curiosity killed the cat...

Hope ya liked the chapter!
I'll prolly be updating more frequently nxt week bc of spring break :)

PS I just went four whole days without was awful😭😭

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