Chapter One: Tea With Fa Liang

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      I woke up in the morning and went to training. This is who I am now. I'm with Fa Liang. And I'm seventeen now. I have survied. Well at least for now. I don't know what twists and turns will come up in my life. I put on my boxing gloves and start punching the heavy bag. I call him Jerry. For no reason. I came up with the name when I was ten. I just decided he needed a name. I start punching Jerry. Going through how many injuries he would have if he were a real person.
Broken ribs, fractured clavicle, black eye, and maybe a fractured skull if I used my steel knuckles, I thought. I used all of the studies of human anatomy the Fa Liang taught me.
I went to the shooting range and grabbed my favorite gun. A Glock. Sometimes I'd use a shotgun, but I usually use a glock. Using all my practice, I hit the target in the head, abdomen, and right in the heart. I promote my practice to moving targets. Same places except the last three were straight in the eye, chest, and liver. After training in the shooting range for awhile, I moved on to fencing. My favorite, to be honest. I cut the manicans head off. The second manican lost its arm. The other manican lost half its body, and the fourth was impaled in the heart. After about ten more impaled and decapitated manicans, I moved on to the other training. I was dripping in sweat, but I decided a few more minutes of training will do. I did some judo, martial arts, and airal yoga (also a favorite hobby of mine). I decided to get ready for some tea with Fa Liang.
I showered in cold water and put on my black tank top, jeans, and boots. I looked in the mirror after brushing my hair and teeth. I looked at my scar that went right over my green eye; remembering every moment of that night. I reached up and touched the scar. The mark I bear on the inside and outside. That mark that reminds me of my family and the burning fire. And that man....the man that drove off. Remembering that night I look in the mirror and say "I'll find you. You crook. You murder, I'll find you."
I put my hair up in a ponytail and slip on my long sleeve black shirt. I walk into the dining room and sit down across from Fa Liang on the little red pillow on the carpet. I bowed,  sat crisscrossed on the pillow, and sipped my green tea.
"Good morning, nüběr" he says in his thick Chinese accent.
"Good morning Fa Liang" I greet him back. Now, you must be asking, what the heck is a nüběr? Well, nüběr,  means daughter in chinese. I don't see him completely as my father, but I do see him as a sort of a father figure. He's trained me and educated me all these years. I basically graduated top of my class. No, I didn't go to school I took and online school and was homeschooled...this is a little weird I know. Fa Liang taught me a lot, but he put me on online school because I asked him if I could go to real school. He always said it was too dangerous. I mean I've had human contact. I've been to parties and snuck out a few times (what Fa Liang doesn't know won't hurt him). But after graduating at the age of fourteen I feel confident that I'm pretty confident about myself. One day I hope to be an architect. I want to build something true and permanent. I've always had temporary. I never had a permanent anything. Not even a permanent family. Nothing stayed the same. I yearn or something permanent.
"How was your sleep last night?" Fa Liang asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"It was good, Fa, how was yours?" I took another sip of my tea.
"Mine was great. So there were no nightmares?" He asked.
"No. No, nightmares" I said and took another sip of my tea. I've had problems with nightmares ever since that night -- the night of the fire. I always had nightmares; it was either about that night or about my fears. Like losing the only one close to me. Sometimes it's another person finding out about what happened to me. But I do have fears.
"That is good. I'm glad the nightmares are going away" Fa Liang set his cup down. The truth was that the nightmares never went away. Good sleep? Never existed when it came to me. Since that night I never had a good night sleep. Nightmare after nightmare. Sleepless night after Sleepless night. But I couldn't let Fa Liang know. He's getting older and he has a lot on his shoulders. He doesn't need my nightmares to weigh him down anymore.
"So am I, I'm glad to get a good night's sleep once in awhile" I set my cup of tea down. Fa Liang looked down to his left. I saw that look many times before and I always knew something was wrong.
"Fa is something wrong? You looked troubled?" I asked.
"It is nothing child. Sip your tea. You need it" he said. I nodded and obliged. I took another sip of my tea and looked at him. He was keeping something from me I knew he was. When he does he always has this face and you can just tell he's hiding something. He used to be such a good liar, now he's weak at it.
"Fa?" I asked.
"Yes nüběr?" He sipped his tea.
"May I go walking in the fields today?"
"Yes, but you should eat and be back before dinner. We have a meeting to go to."
"With who, may I ask?"
"One of my students. I taught him before I taught you." He sipped his tea again.
"Why are we meeting him?" I set my tea down and straightend.
"We have to discuss some things. You will find out when we arrive." I nodded my head and finished the rest of my tea. I kept thinking about the person I was going to meet and why.
Once I finished my tea and ate some breakfast, I packed a little bag and went on my way. I walked through our feilds. I thought about the meeting that would be happening today.
Well he's obviously a male, he's a student of Fa Liang, so maybe he's okay. I mean he's never said anything about his students why is he making me meet up with one of his students?...
I kept thinking about it. I couldn't stop. I walked up the usual hill and looked over New York City. It was beautiful. I absolutely LOVED the view. But it sometimes reminded me of that night. If I looked at Manhattan. But it was beautiful. I sat at the edge of the hill and took a swig of my water. My legs stretched out on the grass and I looked at the city.

     I went back to the mansion and got ready. I liked the mansion, yeah. But, to be honest, I always dreamed of living in a freezing little home. It could be an apartment for all I care. I just wanted something simple. No complications. No temporary homes. I don't want anything temporary.
I got dressed in a red dress some stockings and a pair of black heels. I brushed my hair out and put on make up. I put on my mother's locket and went out.
"You look beautiful as always. Now, today it's your turn to drive" Fa Liang said as he smiled and dangled the keys. I smiled back. I loved driving. I went in the car and started driving our black Maserati.


Hello darlings! I know this part was kinda boring and short but it'll get Interesting trust me. I will make the next chapter longer and more entertaining. Plus, I can't wait 'til you meet my new character. Hehehehehehehehehehe! Anyways please people read @cas_with_kittens and @mysterious_is_me books. They are AMAZING writers! Please! I'm begging you! Plus they would love your reads and votes! So please give them you love! And please vote, comment, and follow! LOVE YOU MY BEAUTIFUL DARLINGS! 😘❤

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