Chapter Twenty-five: Heroes Aren't Happy

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    We spent the whole day training. Peggy tagged along. I taught her the basics of Karate, first martial arts training I took. She was good.
"Aiden's kinda cute" she wriggled her eyebrows as she started punching the bag.
"Why don't you date him?" I replied holding the bag.
"You know what I mean" she took three more quick punches into the bag.
I sighed, "Peggy I need to stay focused."
"Is that all you think about? Being focused?" She kicked.
"I need to be. My emotions will get the best of me if I don't keep them under control."
"Alice, you can't be alone forever. And you shouldn't be. Especially after all of this, what you put yourself through."
"I shouldn't have left you alone."
She stopped punching the bag.
"You didn't want me to get into this mess, plus you were respecting your.... Fa?"
"Those are excuses."
"Stop blaming yourself, Alice. I hate it. I hate that fact you beat yourself up for everything."
I looked her, "I know."
"So stop doing it." She went back to punching the bag.
Aiden looked over his shoulder.
He heard us. Crap. He shouldn't have heard us. You need to stay focused. Focus. Focus, I thought. I caught us staring at each other.
FOCUS! Stop this nonsense!
I snapped out of it quickly and looked back at Peggy, "Uh, good job. Just, uh, kick harder."
I looked out of the corner of my eye and caught Aiden doing the same.
I could feel my heart in my fingers. I could hear it in my ears.
What's wrong with me? Stop. Stop That. Stop it! STOP! Control yourself. Focus. Focus. Focus on what needs to be done. Ba bum ba bum ba bum ba bum..... focus..... ba bum... focus ba bum ba bum.... FOCUS!
"You're turn" Peggy said.
"Huh? Oh yeah." I took my turn on punching the heavy bag. I punched and kicked. I took another glimpse at Aiden. He was practicing with the katanas. I exhaled and roundhouse kicked.
"Whoa" Peggy said.
"Sorry. You okay?" I asked.
"The question is, are you okay?" Peggy said.
I used perephial vision to look at Aiden. He stopped using the katanas.
"I'm fine" I said.
"No you're not" Aiden and Peggy said in unison.
"Yes I am. And when did you get into this conversation?" I looked at Aiden.
"The moment she brought up your well being" he replied.
"I said I'm fine. It's sunset. We should get to the showers and wash up." I said. I grabbed my water and walked my way out.
"Alice stop" Aiden started walking over to me.
"I need to hit the shower" I started walking faster.
"Alice," Peggy said, "talk to us please."
"After my shower," I said.
"Promise?" Peggy said.
"I never make promises I can't keep!" I said as I kept walking.
"Alice!" Aiden and Peggy said in unison.
"That's me!" I held up my towel in the air. I went to mine and, now Peggy's room, and hit the shower.
I took off my sweaty gym clothes and put them in the hamper to wash later.
I grabbed my pajamas, which was a black hoodie and a gray pair of shorts. I soon realized that the hoodie was Aiden's. I looked at it for a minute. I caressed my thumb across a small part of the hoodie. I remember the night he gave it to me.
Focus, I scolded myself. I set the hoodie down and jumped in the shower. I took my time scrubbing the dirt and sweat away. I soon dried off and put my pajamas on. His hoodie was comfortable. A lot more comfortable than most of my hoodies.
Which was weird. I never really felt that way...
Focus, I seemed to scold myself again.
I pushed that thought in the back of my mind and let it sit there. Peggy came in and took a shower herself.
Afterwards, she sat on the bed with me "Are you gonna talk to me or what?"
"About what? There's nothing wrong with me" I denied.
"Yes there is. Nevermind you'll tell me sooner or later" she pulled the covers over herself, "Maybe a thousand years later but later."
"Just go to sleep" I said.
"Fine. Jeez." She turned off the light and we went off to sleep.
It took a few minutes for me to finally drift off. And when I did, I slipped into another place.
I gasped. I was near the railroad tracks again....
What's going on?
I looked down and suddenly I was falling. I was falling into the earth. I didn't scream at all. I just fell.
The only thing that stopped my fall was concrete. I pain went through my ribs.
Thank god this isn't some kind of out of body experience because I would totally be dead. And I hate dying.
What the hell am I doing here?
I looked up and I was in a laboratory. 
"Tonight's the night! Tonights the night we get Alice and her little friend!" Brianna said. I turned around. She was waving her hands in the air and smiling like a maniac.
Of course, the second I slip into a nightmare, you're here.
"Alright, what are you going to do to me this time? C'mon! Bring it On! Bring me something new!" I put my fists up. I was ready to fight. But nothing happened. I suddenly was in my old home.
"What the hell is going on?" I said.
"You shouldn't be worried about yourself, you should be worried about your friends" a little girls voice said.
I turned around to find me when I was four.
"Are you pretending to be little me?" I asked.
"I am you" she said.
"Same lines as the last nightmares I had" i said.
"I'm just the you that was innocent. You know before you turned into the lonely, vicious person" she said.
Alright wake up. Right now. Wake up. This is a bunch of shit. Wake up.
"You're so mean to yourself. And you hurt people you know" she said.
"How?" I asked.
"You push them away" she said.
My eyes widend.
"And in the process you hurt yourself. Have you noticed everyone that was once there for you dies? Or they run away from you?" She continued.
Everything around us started shaking.
"What's going on?" I looked around.
I got up abruptly.
"You're alone, Alice. You'll always be alone" she said.
"What's going on?!" I said.
Everything started collapsing above us. I ran to the back door and found one Fa.
"You'll never make it...... You won't save them..... You'll always be alone... " he whispered. But it wasn't his voice, it wasn't him. I backed up and started running the other way.
"Coward.... Coward!" He said. I looked for an exit any exit. I knew in a nightmare there were no exits. I tried to open windows, doors, nothing worked.
"Get me out of here! Stop! Shut up!" I yelled.
"You can't get rid of us.... we're in you're head...." they echoed through the house.
"FINE! If I can't find an exit.... I'll make one."
I grabbed a pair of sicssors from the old desk and I started to plunge it into my stomach. Then the scenery changed. I was near Aiden's room. But I could feel everything.
"No, I'm not... damn it why?!" I said loudly.
"What are you doing awake?" Peggy was coming up the stairs.
"Oh I'm not awake" I said," I'm having that out of body weird experience thing."
"What?! Right now?" She whispered.
"Yep" I said.
"Why now?" She asked.
"I don't know, I have no control over it. It does what it wants, when it wants. And usually it does that when something bad is about to happen so... keep your eyes peeled" I said.
"Wait a second.... Peggy I think somethings going down tonight. And it's dealing with you. We need to get out of here. Wake me up. Now. Slap me. Punch me in the face. Something!" I said.
"I'm sure nothing is going to happen. I'm going to be just fine. I promise" she said.
"Peggy listen to me. I'm serious" I said.
"Yeah well I don't think anything is going to happen. I mean seriously, what could go wrong in the middle of the night, huh?" She threw her hands around while she talked.
Then out of the blue, someone fired gunshots and alarm systems went off. David was obviously up.
"WAKE. ME. UP. NOW." I said.
Peggy ran upstairs. I ran into Aiden's room. He was already up. 
"Aiden, it's time to go" I said.
"What's happening?" He asked.
"Someone is trying to get Peggy. I saw something. She's waking me up right now and I need you up there with her. I'm going to check on David and see what's going on."
He nodded and we went off. I ran up another flight of stairs and went into David's security room. He spent most of his time there so that was the first place I went to. Lucky for me, he was standing there manning the alarm systems and defenses for our fortress.
"We need to get out of here David, they're after Peggy" I said.
"I already got you guys covered, there's a helicopter on the roof I'll meet you up there in ten minutes."
Wake me up. Wake me up right now.
I ran back to mine and Peggy's room, only to find out I'm still out cold.
"You're not waking up" Peggy said.
"Nah dip Sherlock. I got an idea. This is weird and crazy but it's work a shot" I jumped into myself. And a few minutes later I woke up with a gasp of air.
"Well that worked. Come on let's get out of here David is probably waiting for us on the roof."
"What's on the roof?" Peggy asked.
"Our way out. Let's go."

Hey guys! Sorry I didn't keep most of my promises! But hey I made it up for a longer chapter. And soon I'll make another one. I've been super busy with school and stuff that I couldn't update this. I would do it at school but my phone doesn't get any service. A con for living in a place with mountains. I do really love you guys! And I hope you liked this chapter! Please comment and vote! Thanks so much and please check out How I Became A Vampire  and To Love A Neko.  They're really great stories by anxious_cyn Mysterious_Is_Me please check them out they're REALLY good! And I love you guys! 💖💖💖 I'll try to update tomarrow!

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