chapter three

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Lithôniel leads me through many halls, until we come to one with doors lining both sides.

"This will be your quarters, for the time being. Food will be sent down in a while. If you need anything, or have any questions, I will be out here." She says, opening the door for me. The room is an okay size, with a wardrobe, a bed, a bookshelf that's almost full, and a door leading to a room with a bath, as well as a window seat. I turn back to Lithôniel and say my thanks before she closes the door.

I wander around the room mindlessly. I open the wardrobe, to see that it is empty, which makes sense. There's a mirror on one of the doors, where I examine myself. My once nicely french braided hair now has my bangs out of it, and my face has dirt on it. I turn my head so that I have a better view of my ears. They seem so strange, but at the same time look normal. I examine my face as well. My moles are all gone, even the small one one my left ear that was barely noticeable to begin with. I look down, and sure enough, the moles on my arms are gone as well. I kinda liked my moles though, they made me unique. If I was killed and my face was to mangled to tell who I was, my moles would help identify me.

I close the doors, and go next to the window seat. The window has a nice view, I guess. It looks out to what might be the training grounds. People are practicing with bows and swords, some sparring each other with staffs. I sit on the seat, watching them for a while until I fall asleep.


I awake to the door being shut, which scares me and almost makes me fall off the seat. I look up to see a young boy holding a plate with food. I sit up and give him a small smile, seeing that he's a bit nervous. He must be a servant boy.

"I'm sorry miss, I didn't mean to wake you." He says shakily.

"It's okay, what's your name?" I ask, walking to him and taking the plate.

"Fealon. Miss."

"Fealon, that's a nice name. How old are you?"

"Fifty-four, Miss." He says. Fifty four? How? Impossible.


"Yes miss."


"I just am. How old are you, miss?"

"Twenty seven."

"But you look to be in your second cycle. You cannot be that young.":

"Life cycle?"

"Yes, Miss, don't you know about the cycles? You are childhood or adolescence until you turn about one-hundred, then you go into your second cycle."

"I'm new to this, I guess." I say, sitting down on the bed. "By the way, why do you know English?" I ask, wondering why the guards don't but this small child does.

"My mother is a healer, all healers must learn English, as do the guard captains, and royal advisers. I hope to be a healer as well when I'm older, as my mother has taught me much of her skill." He says proudly.

"Wow, so you're pretty important considering that not a ton of people speak English." I say, smiling at him.

"Not really, just useful. If you excuse me miss, my mother is expecting me to get some herbs from the garden." He says and leaves. I eat my meal quietly, if you can call it a meal. I have some sort of fruit salad, it's good but not what I was expecting. I also have some odd tasting liquid, which I don't fully drink. The plate is wooden, which  find odd, and the liquid is in a metal goblet. The cutlery looks normal at least. After I finish, I set the tray on the nightstand, and look out the window. It's starting to get dark, so I look for a light switch. Nothing. No lamps or anything either. I walking into the bathroom, and notice that there isn't a tap on the bath. Strange.

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