Chapter five

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That night there was a lot of drinking,and I mean a lot. In the morning, I awake by some really loud horns,causing me to roll over, and open my eyes slowly. This is familiar.Just like when we first got here, but this time I know for sure thatI'm hungover. I sit up, and look around me. The only dwarf in sightis Bofur, and Sav is also here, both asleep. Wait, where are theothers?!

"Sav! Bofur! Wake up!" I shout,crawling to Sav and shaking her.

"Noooooo." She responds quietly,covering her face.

"You need to get up! The dwarves haveleft!" I say, and she opens her eyes and looks in Bofur'sdirection.

"There's one right there. Now let mesleep." She says, rolling over on the floor. I crawl over to Bofurnext.

"Bofur! Get up! The rest of thedwarves are leaving!" I say, shaking him awake. He shoots upinstantly, and looks around.

"By my beard, is that the time?" Hesays, getting to his feet.

"Keep it down will ya! I'm hung over"Sav says from across the room.

"We need to go!" I say, going overto her and pouring a glass of- well, something. It might be wine- onher, causing her to sit up.

"What the hell!" She shouts, wipingher face

"Up. Now." I say, pulling her toher feet. As we're leaving Bofur stops to drink a half empty glass ofsomething

"Leave it!" I say, pulling himaway. We race to the Barge that'll take us to the the mountain.There's a crowd around it, and we try to push through the best wecan. When we get to the edge of it, the boat is already on it's wayout of town.

"No!" Bofur says, discouraged. Ilook around us and notice three familiar Dwarves.

"Look, Fili, Kili, and Oin!" I saypointing at them. We make our way over to them, and Bofur looksrelieved to have some of his family with him.

"Did you miss the boat as well?" Hesays as we get close to them. I notice that Kili is looking quitepale, and he stumbles, being caught by Fili.

"Kili!" Sav exclaims, looking athim. She feels his forehead and looks up.

"We need to get him to Bard." Shesays, and we start to make our way through town. We knock on Bard'sdoor, and moments later he answers.

"Oh no, I'm done with dwarves. Goaway!" He says, closing the door. I put my foot in it to stop itfrom closing.

"Wait, Kili is sick. We don't knowwhere else to go. Help us, please." I say, giving him puppy dogeyes. He rolls his eyes and allows us to come in. Bard leads us to abed and we set him there. Kili is crying out in pain, and I try tothink of something that could help. Maybe they have the Tylenol? Thathelps with pain. Who am I kidding, these guys don't have runningwater, how would they have our medicine?

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