Chapter nine

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"-Caught" I finish.

"Well, well, well. Who do we have here? A burglar, and two fine elleths all jammed up in a cupboard. How odd." Fili says, smirking. I get out as casually as you can possibly get out of a cupboard and the other two follow me.

"And why do you think they're in such a place, Fili?" Kili says

"It's quite a long story, actually." I say

"how much time do you think we've got?" Fili says to Kili

"All night."

"Well, we don't have all night, and we really must be going, but it was really nice seeing you two again." Sav says, red-faced and pushing me towards the door.

"Hold on just one moment, you three have some explaining to do." Kili says, standing in front of the door.

"Long story short an angry elven king is going to start a damn war of we don't get out of here!" I say, pushing through

"Thranduil?" Fili asks

"No, Jinglehopper." Sav says sarcastically

"What- Oh, nevermind. Why does the pointy-eared queen want a war?" Fili asks

"He wants the white gems that some dwarf king stole blah, blah, blah. Anyways, we need to go and steal them so that there's not a war." Sav retorts

"You're really good at thieving. Haven't gotten caught or anything."

"Shut up, Fili."

"Make me."

"Will you two stop flirting" Kili and I say at the same time

"I wasn't flirting!" Sav says

"I was."

"We're getting off topic, besides, Balin should be back by now. Where is he?" Bilbo butts in

"You got Balin in on this?" Fili says

"He offered to help, so we took it up the offer." Sav states

"This was just supposed to be a quick in and out job, now we've got three dwarves and a hobbit mixed into it." I say, sitting down

"It's your fault that you decided to walk out into the open and say hello!" Sav says

"Keep your voices down, you're going to attract more people." Kili says, and before anyone says anything else, the door opens and Balin walks in with a pouch.

"I've got them. Nobody saw me, I think." He says, handing Sav the pouch. She opens it and grabs a handful of gems out of it. They really do look like starlight, they shimmer like someone is shining a flashlight off of them. I see why they could hold so much value.

"Wow. They're beautiful. How much money you think we could sell these for?" Sav asks

"That's not why we stole them. Come on, I'm sure that it's close to sunup." I say, taking them from her.

"Just saying."

"Hold on, you've still got quite a lot of explaining to do. You can't leave yet." Kili says

"Well, as much as we'd love to stay and chat, we really can't. If we don't get these to the king, you'll all probably be dead. We'll catch up though, I promise." I say

"Fine. You two have to come back though. Promise on everything that you hold close and dear that you won't leave and never look back." Fili says

"We promise, well, I do. I'm not sure about this one, but I don't have anywhere to go for the rest of the time we're here." Sav says, crouching down a bit to be face-to-face with him. She would be as tall as him if she were human, but since we 'turned' we're both taller.

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