Chapter two

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I awake by Rose licking my face. 

"You know how I feel about that." I say, pushing her off and laughing, but I stop instantly when I open my eyes and realize that I'm not in my bed, or even in my house. I sit up quickly and everything comes back to me. 

"Sav?! Dixie?!" I shout, hoping they're okay. I hear a groan from behind me and turn around to see Sav laying on the ground, holding her head, and Dixie laying next to her.

"Sav, what the hell happened? where are we?" I say, stumbling to my feet. 

"I don't fucking know. Just let me sleep. I feel hungover." She says, and rolls over. 

"Sav. we aren't in KellyLake." I say, and she rolls to face me, her eyes barely open. "Look around you." I instruct, and she opens her eyes, then sits up in alarm. 

"What the fuck?" She almost shouts, and Dixie goes to lick her face. 

"I don't know!"

"But what the fuck?" She repeats, getting to her feet. 

"I don't know. We must have blacked out or something. We didn't have anything to drink, did we?" I ask, remembering the glowing purple thing that I saw. 

"No. I don't think we did at least." She says, unzipping her jacket, for the snow is all gone. I do the same and start to undress, leaving my boots and hat on. 

"Well there must be some explanation, right? Maybe we were kidnapped?" I say, lacing my boots back up. 

"Kidnapped? Don't you think we would have stuff missing if we were kidnapped?" She says, and takes off her hat. I go to speak, but stop instantly. Her ears go up to a point at the ends, something like that of an elf's.

"S-sav. Your ears!" I say, standing up to see them better. 

"What's wrong with my ears?" She says, and feels them, Then all the colour drains from her face. "What the hell? What happened to my ears?" She says, running her fingers of the tips of them. 

"I don't know. Wait, does that mean-" I start, taking off my hat and feeling my ears as well, and sure enough, mine are pointed. Suddenly the I hear the dogs growling at something behind me, and I look at Sav, and she's even paler than before. I hear a clicking noise, and slowly I turn around. In the trees behind me I see a giant spider, almost the size of a car. I can't move. I want to, but I can't. 'This can't be real. no way. I don't believe it. I'm dreaming.' I think to myself, my feet still glued to the ground. The thing creeps slowly towards us, and the dogs are both ready to attack. 

"We should run." Sav says quietly, but neither of us move. I don't breathe. I can't. It feels like an elephant is sitting on my chest. Suddenly, I feel something fly next to my face, and the spider screeches, and eventually falls over, an arrow sticking out of it's head. 

I turn to see a man, armed with a bow and dressed in some strange outfit. He has long red hear, his bangs pulled back. I can see his ears, and they're pointed just like ours 

"Who the fuck are you?" I say, Sav still staring at the gigantic spider. The only response I get is the man drawing his bow and pointing it in my direction. "Listen mate, I didn't mean offense. Thanks for saving us from that- well, from whatever that was. We just want to get home, right Sav?" She finally turns to look at the man. 

"What the hell are you doing pointing that thing at us? Who the hell do you think you are?" She says, crossing her arms. The man only gives a confused look. 

"I don't think he speaks english." I say, looking at his strange attire and weapon. 

"ya naa lle?" (Who are you?) The man says, and I can tell from the sound of his voice it's a question. 

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