Chapter four

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As we walk back to my chambers, the elves that we pass look uneasy. Some even grip their weapons, just in case. It gives me a bit of joy to see them so nervous over the two most friendly dogs I know. By this time it's pretty late, but I'm barely tired. When we get to my room, Lithoniel stays outside once again. I sit on my bed, along with the dogs, and read the book I got from the library.

'chapter one: the origins of the elves.' I read, which is pretty long, but it explains how they came over from 'the west' and how certain cities came to be. I find out that elves, as they age, don't age physically really, but mentally. The weight of their lives starts growing heavier, so they return to the west. They can't die, unless they are killed in battle, or die of a broken heart. It's pretty much the same type of stuff that you would read in a regular history book, if the subjects were immortal. After a few other chapters including 'the languages of elves' and 'the gladahrim' and many more, I decide to try to get some sleep. I lay awake there, stroking one of the dogs,thinking about the events. I still can't believe it. I try to assess everything in my head.

I came through a portal, which is literally impossible if you think of it

I was almost killed by a gigantic spider

I was captured by some people who took away my dogs, but I got them back

There's a guy that is apparently a king

Sav is in jail because she can be stubborn

I'm kinda a prisoner, but I have a bit of freedom

I'm apparently an elf, but I wasn't originally. Which doesn't make a lick of sense

The people here are immortal,but can be killed in battle or a broken heart? How does that make sense?

That little boy was older than me. Wait, so am I older now? How old?

Oh,and there's no electricity, which doesn't matter considering that my phone was in my jacket, which I left in the woods. I wonder if Sav has hers.

'To hell with this.'  I think as I get up. I leave my boots off,they're too loud.

"Stay."I whisper to the dogs, then creak open the door to see if Lithôniel is there, and she is, but she's talking to someone with their backs to me. I quietly close the door, and sneak down the hallway, away from them. I go down a few hallways, trying to remember anything in this place. They should really make a map for visitors. I find an area that looks familiar, Nellethiel's shop. The door is open, and light is coming through it. I walk in, and see Nellethiel busily buzzing around, not even noticing my presence. I clear my throat, and she finally spots me.

"Oh! Lady Patricia! Just the person I wanted to see." She says, and pulls me to the back of the shop. There is a table, with about fifty dresses on it. She picks up one and hands it to me. It's a dark green, with silver trim. I stand there with it in my hands awkward before she speaks again.

"What are you waiting for! There's a changing room behind you, go try it on!" She says, pushing me towards a door. I take off my clothes jeans and shirt, and put on the dress. I look in the mirror,inspecting it. It fits perfectly, it reaches the floor but isn't so long that I will trip, and it has long sleeves that fan out at the ends. It's beautiful, I don't I've ever had something as formal as this, besides my senior prom dress, but I didn't even like that, my mom picked it out for me. I open the door to where Nellethiel is waiting.

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