Chapter seven

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"What are we going to do now?" I ask, turning back to Bard.

"The only thing we can do is wait. Maybe They'll come around. Find a place to sleep tonight, we'll figure it out tomorrow." He says and takes his leave.

"We should go talk to them," Sav suggests.

"But Bard said to wait."

"And I said we should go. Come on, they'll never come around if they just stay in there alone." She says, dragging me away. We go to the wall and Sav shouts.

"THORIN" She shouts in a sing-song voice. At first, I don't think anyone heard, considering that there's a moat in front of the gateway, but eventually, A few heads pop up on top of the wall. From what I can tell it's Dwalin, Balin, Fili, and Thorin.

"What do you want, Elf!" He shouts back. What the hell is his problem?

"We have names you know!" I shout

"State your business! I do not care of formalities!"

"We just want to talk! Please, Thorin, just talk to us! There are people who have died and more that will die if you don't help us! Please!" I shout.

"You only want what riches lie in these halls!"

"Who the hell do you think we are! We don't your damn gold!" Sav shouts

"LIARS" He shouts back, and leaves, the other dwarves following. Fili Gives us a look of pity before also turning his back.

"So much for that," Sav says under her breath. We head back to the City, find a place to sleep in a building with some other people and turn in for the night.

In the morning, I wake up even before the crack of dawn. Not able to fall back asleep, I debate waking up Sav, but decide to let her sleep. I get up and leave the structure, blinking at the rising sun.

As I walk around, I look at the different buildings and areas. There's a place that would have been some sort of playground, with a carousel. I gently move it, and it emits a creaking sound. The figures on it are different animals, horses, deer, elephants, and lions slowly move around. I move on, walking towards the edge of town.

Before I even get to the edge of town, I know something is wrong. Something in my gut tells me that I'm not alone. Very quietly, I sneak around the buildings slowly, making sure to make no noise.

"Well, well, well, Who do we have here?" A familiar voice says behind me. I turn around to see Lithôniel smirking. She's fully decked out in armour, much more extensive than the armour she was wearing in Mirkwood.

"Lithôniel? What are you doing here?" I ask, nervously. She probably came to bring me back to Mirkwood, or to kill me.

"Relax, I'm just a scout at the moment. I'm making sure everything is safe so we don't get ambushed."

"Oh," I say, letting out a breath. "Wait, we? Who's we?"

"The army.." She says quietly

"Army? Who's army, and why the fuck is there an army gathered?"

"The king's army. He plans to go to war if the dwarves don't give him what he wants." She says.

"The king? As in Thranduil? He's coming here?" I ask, slightly freaking out, and she nods. "You're just a scout. That means that I have time to get Sav and leave before he arrives." I say, turning to leave.

"Wait, I'm not a distance scout, I'm an immediate scout." She says, grabbing my arm.

"Which means?"

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