Feelings Not Returned

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Okay, so I found this really stupid story I made in class a few years back based off of Romeo and Juliet. The subject  of the paper was to make a story based off of the point of view of a minor character in the actual play; I chose Benvolio's point of view. So, I decided I wanted to post it because of how hilarious I found it. Enjoy my old crap! :D

           It'd been difficult,-- it always is, it seems-- thinking over the short-lived life of my dear cousin, and even more so difficult thinking of his death. My dear Romeo. Where are you now? Sometimes, it only feels as though he had run off again, and, in some way, he had. He ran off with his faithful mistress for the last time, dancing in the cloak of night that swum over my head, split up in this night of space tears that was glowing with silver flickers of raining stardust. Dear cousin, why hadn’t you told me of such trivial happenings?

           As Romeo lay before me, a soft vessel immortally enveloped at such a youthful, endearing age, I couldn't help myself from admiring how beautiful he looked while the torches on the walls ignited the paleness of his skin in the darkness. His left hand clasped eternally in that of his gorgeous lover’s soft, pale hand that was once owned by Juliet. The wind smelled of their struggle, cheap perfumes, and the bitter bouquet of abandonment. Flowers cradled and caressed their lifeless faces ever so gently, as if their  petals would tear at their weak skin if they were to embrace their skin too hungrily. Not but an hour ago had the skin of my own kin and my enemy been filled with his fiery existence now drained by the tooth of a dagger and the sweet, deceiving illusion of ill poison. They were robbed of their viability.

          The crisp night breeze tousled my thick brunette hair within their own locks, tangling my matty rain-drenched hair out of my eyes that they usually hung over. It felt as if my own hair was dragging me down, pulling me into the darkness only to drown me in memories of how gorgeous things used to be-- how gorgeous he used to be.

 Romeo always catechized me about my unkempt display of hair. This made me smile at heart, though it pained me to think about it even more than it could have helped. The remembrance of his laugh mocked my ears, even if the sound was sweet on my tongue. I wonder where he went in such a hurry.

The tears came softly, rolling down my flushed cheeks at an agonisingly lethargic pace, lazily dripping off of my chin in large blobs upon Romeo's white and blue sleeve. Taking in a shaky breath of frosty air, I gingerly lowered myself to my wobbling knees, as if I were presenting myself before my immortal cousin; my brilliant best friend, my lover.

            I was the last one of the three of us. But why me? Why had I been so unlucky to have been chosen to be alone in this cruel world of pain now? Who was I talk to now that they were all gone? What had I done to deserve a loneliness like this?

           A whimper squeaked out of me from deep within my breast, a loud sound prickling at the back of my raw throat. It began to swell in my chest,-- twisting and pulling at my very lungs-- deepening with a dreadful echo that arose from the bottom of my very soul and scratching at my mind with iron talons as I gripped at the soft hand of my dear Romeo, his long, thin fingers interlacing with mine. Still warm. I held his hands many times before, but I never thought I would want to erase the feeling from my mind before.

           The dank scent of the poison he drank ever so greedily still lingered on his fair lips, contorting his beautiful face into something of utter pain and suffering, yet he was so peaceful and faultless with his once bright teal eyes shut lightly forever and his smooth blonde hair, so kempt and long, falling over his gentle features. In some way, I knew he was still alive, but not with me; he abandoned me for a woman like he told me he never would.

He is just as beautiful in death as he was in life. Oh, how I already missed his joyous voice after he was banished. Never will I hear the angelic ring of his masculine speech. Benvolio. . . Stop leaving me all alone! The tears started flowing faster, and I knew I couldn't stop now. A groan found my tongue, making my breath feel like it was torn from me, as I clamped my eyes shut; it hurt too much to see how alive he looked.

             "Romeo, my dear Romeo. . . Why did you leave me so easily? I thought you finally loved me back? You promised. . . ”  

~ I didn't edit a single thing. Oh goodness, that was so bad, kill me.~

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