My Friends

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Whoops. I'm super sorry I didn't post anything last week; I had stuff to do, and also I just didn't feel like it. Anyways, I forgot what prompt number this was, but this is called a Line Poem. A line poem is where you create your own poem from the clippings/certain phrases of someone else's poem. We were not told the name of the poem or the author, but the phrases I chose from it were the following:  The man with a thousand voices, Remove the sky from my head, You always talk too much, and Shut up. Shut up. There's nobody here. Please enjoy!

I could hear those words;
I could always hear those words.
                                You always talk too much. 

They echo, they dance, they wonder--
                                     Wondering, wondering, lost to the world--
​​​​​​Always skipping over the sad clouds and stumbling over rainbows
Only I can see.
I can hear them, knocking and banging on the walls of my brain.
                                    Shut up. Shut up. There's nobody here.

Get out, get out, get out,
You don't belong here,
But I am just as trapped as you all are.
Please leave, but please don't go;
I need you, please stay.
They have found me,
​​Though I am still lost.

                                          In my mind, in my mind

                         Scratching in the walls, tearing my flesh.

I am lost and found, together as one.
Thousands of them,
​​​​​And yet. . .
None of them know who I am.
                   They named me the man, the man with a thousand voices.
Their darkness is everywhere--
​​​​​​            They only consume, they only trap you--

​​​​​​With voices like thunder drawing you in,
They want me, they want everyone.

All of them are ugly, like the slugs asleep in the sink
                They all suck you dry, and take all of the space in your head.
They want to destroy, they want to take.
                   They want to eat; they are hungry-- constantly eating.

Voices, voices, all of the whispers are overwhelming--
                                       Take it away, take it away now--

Get them away from me, get them away; remove the sky from my head.
            Stop it, I am not yours-- I'm not.

I'm screaming-- this is hell. Please, for the love of God, help me--
                                                             Help us, help us.

We're here, we're friends. We've always been here for you;
Soon we will be gentle, soon you will love us as well.
                                                   Please accept us. 

It is I, I am a man,
I am the man. . .

                                                                      The man with a thousand voices.

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