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Do you remember

That night we walked together?

I do.

The night was grey and

Tasted of stale crayons.

The smell of the moon

Hung in silver upon

Its velvety blankets

And the air felt thick

With sorrow.

You were confused that night.

About me, about us, or

Even the wink of the stars

Dangling above our heads.

It seems you found

How easily I could trust

For you snatched up any

Chance to tell me

Just how much you loved me.

The scene stains my memory

In a thick black tangle of

Nostalgia, reminding me of

Days when I knew I could be

Jubilant with you.

Do you remember our night?

I do, though I no longer

Understand why I still

Cherish it after you broke me.

The road was flawed ahead of us

as if it were made entirely of potholes.

It reflected our future

And how those flaws grew between us.

Through the soles of my feet,

I could feel that shards of glass you

Cast before me, and still, I chased you through them.

Do you remember your


I do.

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