Endless Sunset

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Describe a sunset to a blind person. This is probably the hardest thing anyone could ever ask you to do. A blind person does not know what sunny, bright, shiny, yellow, or any other colour for that matter and what they mean. Thus, how can you explain a sunset without visually describing it?

I like to imagine sitting with that blind individual, indulging in the warmth of a day slowly slipping away into the comforting cold of the night. We're facing the ocean, the sun glistening off the surface of a calmed sea and the salty air dancing in ribbons of delightful memories of childhood and rebellious days of fire and friends. They ask me in a shy voice "What is a sunset like?"

I take a moment to think about it, cautious of the way in which I word it for their sake when it hits me. "The sun is setting as if it were a large dog lying down at the end of your bed before you drift off to sleep yourself. It's warm and it's inviting as if you were getting a hug from pure, loving energy. It fills you with awe, hopes, and dreams, sometimes even stealing words from your mouth. No earthly language truly has the power to capture the sheer magnificence of the sun and its setting down below the horizon. Yet. . . it nurtures us with such fierce gentility. The warmth can warm even the coldest heart and bring joy to the saddest man. It makes you feel like you could grab the sun's rays like a bouquet of flowers and hold them tight with colours so unimaginable that you feel like you're bathing in space amongst the stars. It makes you aware of the day gone past and prepares you for the night to come, almost like the ending note of a chapter. There's something about the sun that everybody can seem to grasp on to."

They'd turn their head back to me with a softness decorating their lips like a fine jewel that decorates a ring finger. "It must be very beautiful."

I can't help but smile back, a happy tug on my lips and the delicious taste of wonder sticking to my tongue. "Yes, yes it most certainly is."

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