*This poem requires a bit of explanation: it's called an outrageous premise in which you describe yourself based off of lies and ridiculous thoughts written in a list. These are lies I made into a poem about how I feel, I suppose? Lol, Enjoy.*
Why am I petrified?
I awoke to the crackles
Of a grey morning
Tangled about my naked toes.
I cleaned the frown from my face
Only to paint my smile into
A shy metaphor.
A gnome stopped me
At the crack of my bedroom door.
He told me he worried of
The candy corn ocean that
Piled into the corners of the room,
Tripping over each other
In sweet tumbles,
But decided to fly away
On his winged cloak
When he noticed
I fell below the sugary crests.
Scooby Doo discovered it'd
Been I that was the
Monster all along.
He tore a page out of
My life so carelessly
As if it were little more
Than dust on a
He didn't understand
My pain, how desperately
I tried to recall all of
The torture I repressed --
How it seemed worse
To let it go.
Oh, how I yearned
To rewrite my own
The frown returns
To me now,
After the paint dripped
From my chin in
Salty rivers,
Stitching my lips down
To the level of
My faltering self-esteem.
Perhaps the gnome, with
The feathered cloak and
His crippling fear of
Drowning in sunset
Shades of sugar,
Didn't consider he
Abandoned me when I
Needed him most.
Perhaps he didn't know
That the monster within me
Is what I fear most.
Perhaps he couldn't
Understand the urgency
In my anxiety.
A Collection of Short Stories and Poems
Short StoryThe title basically says it all. This will be a collection of really short stories and poems I have made recently in a creative writing class as warm-ups, so just sit back and enjoy a few chapters of random things based off of random prompts. This...