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The sun rains down on my skin, hot and moist and loving. Sweat glistens upon my skin like the dew drops that coat the petals of a fragile white rose. How comforting the sun has become. Little spatterings of the storm overhead begin to fall down over the town and I feel a sense of awakening take over my mind as the silent violence of a much-needed storm stomped its feet across town in what seemed to be only seconds.

I do not run, I do not look for cover here. No, I welcome the violence as if it was a long lost brother that now only existed in my distant memories. It hugged my clothes to my body in heavy, wrinkled sheets of cotton and a smile formed over my lips in joy. It was the feeling of love that overcame me, the love for this life and for the love of this Earth. This place was the only thing all of us could call home and, for some reason, there a sense of comfort that accompanied this thought. Our one place, the place in which all that has happened to us, whether that be before we ever existed in the grand scheme of the cosmos, is engrained within our very DNA, and that feels like something so special to our condition as living, breathing beings. I might even go as far as saying it brings us closer to loving all that is around us, to appreciate what wonderful things we've been given here on this amazing and lush place. Isn't that something to be happy about? Isn't that something to feel awestruck about?

I breathed in, loving the way in which it fell in through my nose and embracing the delightful taste it left on my tongue. The crispness of the stone-like smell dancing within the fog dragged in by the running patters of the rain. The wind howled, yearning for the attention of anyone that would listen to it, but I stayed silent. I felt the winds hum in my long hair and I fell deeper in love with the crinkling sound of trees crashing into one another, not afraid to lose a few leaves. How wonderful it is to be alive in such a place.

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