Girl in the Mirror

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Prompt 7:  Look at your reflection in the mirror and describe what you see as if they were a totally different person from you in the form of a poem.

Her eyes droop at the corners,
Weighed down by the bottled emotions in her heart and
Stuffed inside the mind meant for an adult's,
But crammed into a child's instead.
She does not understand,
But she knows far too much to be so thoughtless.

She is so exhausted,
              So done,
                                  So lost,
                                                   So faded,
                                                                        So. . .young.

I see the death in her
                                 And I feel it within me.

I see her light leaking out of her teal orbs
That once held galaxies
Full of stars and dreams so close she could
Catch them all.

The crease between her brows
Shows aging far beyond her coevals,
And the worry that plucks the pink of her cheeks
Dulls her child-like wonder.
She is an ancient child
With a tomorrow destined to take the rest of her hopes.

I see myself in that woman,
Hidden behind the opaque window of herself
That truly trapped me within her.

She lives, she breathes,
She blinks, and she smiles that fake smile.
She hides behind herself
Because that child struggling to contain her
                                           Is terrified.

Yes, she's alive,
                                 but I am dying.

~wow, I'm one sad piece of crap. xD~

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