The Rules of Psycology

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Fallon sat in the darkest corner of her basement, waiting for Megan to wake up. She had been here for an hour, just waiting. Fallon was starting to believe Megan wouldn't wake up, but she made a sound. She looked around the room. All she could see was the darkness beyond the spotlight made by the single light above her head. She looked down and realised she was tied to the chair.
"What do you want from me?" She called out into the darkness. She could hear someone breathe, then stand up. Fallon stayed in the darkness, not letting her victim know of her presence. "How long you going to keep me here, anyway?" She spoke again, a little braver. Fallon stepped a little away from the wall so Megan could see her legs and nothing else.
"I want you to stop." Fallon's voice was cold and unforgiving. She didn't know what else to say to her. She wanted to see how someone normal would respond.
"Stop? Stop what?" Megan became more daring. She was defenceless, but she was sure of herself. She then laughed to herself. It echoed around the small empty room. "You won't kill me. If you wanted to kill me you would've done it already!" Fallon took a small step closer. She said nothing. She took out her pocket knife and put it by her side. The glare of the light reflecting from the metal blade was a warning, almost like a lighthouse warning boats of nearby land.
"I don't need to kill you." Fallon taunted. She began to walk around the room, staying in the darkness. As she walked, she could see Megan watching her every move. She laughed to herself, and took a step closer.

The break passed by, and it was Monday. Over the break, she had received a message from Isabel telling her who her next victim is. Her name was Stephanie. Fallon had spent the whole break torturing Megan, only stopping to sleep, eat or use the bathroom. She went into her basement to check on her victim. She was usually met by 2 eyes watching her, but today was different. Megan stared into the wall in front of her, not noticing Fallon. Fallon had destroyed every trace of a person in Megan. She was permanently broken. Fallon was also broken, but not like this. Fallon knew she was broken, but didn't care. Broken was normal for her.
"I'll do anything." Megan said in a robotic voice. Fallon knew she was ready. She went over to her and told her what she had to do.

Fallon stood in the quad near Megan. She could see Stephanie walk into school with a small group of friends. She felt into her bag, produced a knife and went over to Megan.
"Do it." She handed Megan the knife. Megan took the knife and went over to Stephanie. She pushed Stephanie to the floor and repeatedly stabbed her. The sounds of screams and the knife plunging in and out of Stephanie's body filled the quad. Students ran in fear, some went and got teachers. Megan pulled the knife out of Stephanie's lifeless body, and turned the blade towards herself. She then stabbed the knife through her skull, killing her instantly. She fell to the floor next to her victim. For Fallon, this was successful. She'd gotten rid of 2 rivals without getting a drop of their blood on her hands.

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