Keep On Falling

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Fallon stood outside the school by the bins alone. She had the vial in her hands with the note taken off. She opened one of the bin lids and threw the vial at the wall behind it. The vial shattered and the pieces fell into the bin. She tore up the label and threw it into the bin as well. She slammed it shut and headed back before her absence was considered suspicious.

Wednesday morning Fallon stood by her locker. All the students had been sent home after a police investigation Monday, and Fallon hadn't been caught at all. She had a text on her phone from Isabel, with a photo of her newest rival. She tore a piece of paper out of her notebook and used her open locker to shelter her as she wrote a note to put in her rivals locker, asking her to meet her at a specific location at lunch. She quickly slipped it into the locker Isabel had identified as her rivals. She then left for class, hoping for some time alone before to set up something for her plan.

Fallon sat on the rooftop at lunch and waited for her rival to show up in the specified spot. Fallon was sat hidden from her view from when she entered up to just after the meeting place. Eventually she showed up. She stood leaning on the low railing looking out across the field. This was Fallon's chance. She snuck up behind the girl and put down her bag silently. She tore the other girls bag from her then shoved her over the railing. When she didn't fall the first time, Fallon picked up the girl by her ankles and threw her off the roof. The field was empty of any students who could witness Fallon's actions. She had her black hoodie and white mask on, so if she was caught she couldn't be identified. She didn't want witnesses as it would mean she would have to change her plans, but thankfully for her she didn't. She watched the girl fall to her death, listening out for the crack of her bones against the concrete, securing her death. Fallon stepped back from the railing and went to her bag. She pulled out an envelope containing a fake suicide letter from the girl and put it on the girls bag, which Fallon had moved to be next to the spot where Fallon had pushed her. She looked inside the bag and pulled out the note she had left her earlier that day. It counted as evidence that her death was a murder not a suicide. She took off her mask and hoodie and left the rooftop before anyone saw the body.

Fallon walked home quickly, tired and wanting to go back to her bed to dream about her night with Noah again. The students had been sent home after the body had been found. The police had been called and concluded her death was a suicide. They didn't suspect that it may have been murder.

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