Victoria's Past

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Fallon and Victoria were sat in Fallon's front room. They were watching CSI and talking about their lives.
"So Fallon. Your parents still aren't home?" Victoria asked Fallon, curiously. They hadn't been home the last time she was over. That was nearly a month ago.
"Yeah. They're working away right now. They don't come back for months at a time. It used to be lonely, but I got used to it. Kinda grew to enjoy the solitude." Fallon smiled a little. Yeah, she had grown used to being alone. She had frozen her feelings years ago, that was her way of coping with being alone. She looked at Victoria, who was looking at her own feet.
"At least your parents are still around." Fallon looked at her curiously. She didn't know anything about Victoria's family. But she'd never asked.
"Why would you say something like that?" Victoria looked up at her for a moment. She took a sip of water, and sighed.
"Ever since my dad died a few years ago, mum became bitter. She wasn't always like that. She used to be happy, full of life. Mum became bitter and angry at the world. She took her anger out on everyone around her, even me. Eventually, everyone abandoned her, but I didn't." She let out a sob as a tear fell from her eye. Fallon gave her the box of tissues. She paused, drying her eyes and blowing her nose before she continued. "She was still my mum. I still believed we would be a happy family. But it wasn't meant to be. Last year, she overdosed on sleeping pills and antidepressants. She died almost instantly." She sobbed again. Fallon went to sit next to her and gave her a hug. She could hear Victoria sobbing. Fallon felt so bad for her. She had no idea what to say, she'd never been in this situation before. "Sorry, I've been rambling. You probably don't care." She sat up, looking a total wreck.
"We're friends, of course I care." Fallon pulled Victoria into another hug.
"Thank you. Please don't go around telling everyone, though." Fallon smiled and nodded in agreement.
"Don't worry. I won't tell." Fallon had no reason to tell anyone what Victoria had told her. "So, out of curiosity, anyone you like?" Victoria blushed. It was obvious she liked someone.
"Well, there's this guy... You can't tell anyone though! Promise you won't tell." Fallon smiled at her.
"I won't tell. Who is it?"
"Aiden. I don't think you would know him." Fallon made a small laugh. It wasn't Noah. That was good. "Who do you like Fallon?" Now Fallon was blushing.
"You can't tell anyone who it is ok." Victoria laughed.
"I won't tell if you don't tell."
"Ok. I might have a small crush on Noah..." Fallon was lying a little. She definitely had a huge obsession with Noah. No one else could have him.
"Aww that's so cute. You'd be adorable together." Victoria smiled at Fallon, before going to the bathroom. Fallon watched her go and sighed. She had told Victoria, but was it the right choice?

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