Chapter II

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"I hate blood. It reminds me that I'm hurt. That I'm bleeding. But it also reminds me of war." ~Anonymous

Aina saw a war breaking out.

Metal clanging with metal was heard as Keyblades clashed. She saw young warriors forced to fight former friends to the death. Bodies fell and faded into light as hearts rose from the their corpses and vanished into the air. She smelled and tasted the blood that lingered in the air. A wielder fell next to her and Aina shrieked, backing away from them. The wielder raised their Keyblade to block the incoming attack. She saw sparks fly as the young warrior blocked the stabbing attempt. But, Aina knew that they were too weak to fight back. They will perish and join the many others that had fallen.

Aina ran up to the wielder to offer aid and stop the fighting. As she touched the wielder, her hand went through the body and their body rippled. She pulled back, surprised at what had happened. Aina remembered that this way only a vision on the future; she's seeing it, so she can't help. Aina watched as the wielder's final defenses went down and they were stabbed in the chest with a Keyblade. Their Keyblade dropped as their body exploded into bits of light. A white heart pulsed weakly as it floated above where the body used to be. It then went to the sky.

Aina held her head, closing her eyes, trying to block out the war that was happening in front of her. But the sounds of metal clashing pounding in her ears. The vision of bodies falling and former friends instantly becoming enemies replayed in her mind. The metallic smell of blood filled her nose as Aina breathed. She screamed and fell down, curling up into a fetal position. She held her ears as she rolled around and screamed some more. She screamed until her voice got hoarse. As she opened her eyes, Keyblades plunged into the earth, serving as gravestones of the fallen warriors during this war.

Aina got up and screamed. "MAKE IT STOP!!!" Aina shrieked. "MAKE IT STOP! I DON'T WANT TO SEE THIS!" No one answered her pleas. "I SAID MAKE IT STOP!!!" She cried out one last time.

Aina jumped at her desk, removing her hand from her left eye while her right eye focused and turned from the all-seeing eye back into her normal eye. What was that? Was it all...just a dream?

She looked down at the book in front of her. It had a dark blue cover will silver engravings on it. The pages, if she recalled, were blank before she saw the vision of the future. Now they had words all over the pages. Aina read the words. Boring stuff. Looks like it was all just a dream. But, there was one line that caught her eye. She read it and her eyes widened at the message.

"The fated land will be the battleground for a great war. Light will see defeat and expire, while darkness prevails evermore."

Aina pushed my chair back. She rose from my desk, grabbing the book and holding it close to her chest. She ran out of my room to find her brother. That dream she wasn't a dream after all.

It was the future.

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