Chapter XVI

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"When you're in darkness, you only sink deeper into it. Keep the light shining." ~Kenzo Tenma (Naoki Urasawa's Monster)
Aina returned to Akari. She got up once she saw the young girl. "Aina..." she started.

"You were right, Akari," Aina stated, her voice cracking.

Akari stared at her in surprise. "Right about what?' She asked.

"You were right-I had no idea what I was getting myself into when i wanted to summon kingdom Hearts," Aina said as tears ran down her cheeks.

"Oh, Aina..." Akari reached out and pulled Aina into a hug.

The sound of a Keyblade being summoned caught the attention of the two girls as they turned to see Sunako holding the x-blade in her hands and pointing it at the two. The two jumped at the weapon meant to protect Kingdom Hearts was aimed at the two of them. "What is the meaning of this?!" Aina demanded.

"Protect Kingdom Hearts and stop anyone who tries to summon it...that was my role, correct?" Sunako asked with a smirk.

"Our role," Akari corrected as she stood between Aina and Sunako. "Put that Keyblade down, Sunako."

"I know full well what I'm doing!" Sunako yelled. "I'm slaying Aina, who summoned Kindgom Hearts."

"It's not just her!" Akari shouted. "Every Union member and their leaders contributed to this! Just because Aina is the sole survivor doesn't mean she's the one to blame!"

"And I'm also taking you down as well, Akari!" Sunako added.

"Wha...? Why Akari?" Aina demanded.

"Akari unweave Kingdom Hearts, correct?" Sunako restated what she heard from the conversation earlier. If she was doing that, where do you think the Lux went when she released it?"

Aina looked at Akari who had a guilty look on her face. Aina's eyes widened at the realization. " you didn't..." she whispered.

"I did what I though right," Akari stated firmly. "Sunako, this isn't a time to fight. Besides where were you in all of this if you were aware this was going on? Why now?"

"I...may or may not have been giving the Foretellers advice on what to do," Sunako gave a small shrug.

"You...what?" Aina spat.

"Hey, I didn't expect them to taker my advice so seriously!" Sunako shrugged. "I mean, I guess even when I made it obvious that I was up to no good they were still willing to listen to any advice given to them, even from the 'mean lady of darkness'."

"Why?!" Aina shrieked. "Why would you do such a thing?!"

"I was bored," Sunako replied.

"Was this all some big show to you, Sunako?" Aina cried, tearing up. "Some sort of twisted entertainment to you?"

"Would you get mad if I said yes?" Sunako replied.

"Now, now," Akari put her hands up in the air in order to ease the tension. "Let's all admit we were at fault here for the war. This isn't a time for fighting, we need to work together so we can survive the destruction of this world!"

"You're right..." Sunako lowered the x-blade before grabbed the two crossing Keyblades that made up the hilt of the weapon and pulled it, making the blade illuminate with black and white.

"Sunako, what are you doing?!" Aina screamed.

"This isn't a fight worth fighting...if not all of us have a weapon to fight with!" Sunako grunted as she pulled the x-blade apart. The x-blade was shattered when pulled apart-thirteen of darkness and seven of light. The two powers went back over to their owners-the darkness returned to Sunako and reformed her Keyblade, the Lunar Eclipse and the light restoring itself into Solar Eclipse in Akari's hands. "Fight me, sister!" Sunako yelled as she pointed her blade at Akari. "Light will see defeat and expire, while darkness prevails evermore. I don't see how this prophecy doesn't also apply to us."

Sunako swung her Keyblade and released a dark fireball that headed straight at Akari. She lifted her Keyblade up and surrounded herself with beams of light that blocked Sunako's attack Akari sent them at Sunako but she jumped in order to dodge the attack. As soon as Sunako landed, Akari lowered her blade. "Please, Sunako, I don't want to fight..." she pleaded.

"You're the same as always, sister," Sunako sighed. "Which is really disappointing, Give me a show Akari!"

Sunako swiped her Keyblade, releasing a dark fireball. It struck Akari in the stomach and she cried out as she flew back and struck the wall and didn't move after that. "Akari!" Aina screamed before turning to Sunako, gritting her teeth as she summoned her Keyblade and pointed it at Sunako.

"Oh?" Sunako smirked as she got into a battle stance. "Here's a deal-if you mange to land a hit on me and give me a show, I'll leave you to be."

Aina didn't listen as she charged ahead and leapt into the air, slashing the air and sending arcs of wind at Sunako. Sunako held her Keyblade up in order to block the arcs of wind. "You think an attack like that is going to stop me?" Sunako grinned as she leapt into the air brought the Keyblade down, unleashing a dark fireball that spread along the floor.

Aina leapt back and her Keyblade sparked as it was engulfed in lightning. She dshed forward with it but Sunako side-stepped and avoided the attack. She brought the blade down on Aina and she cried out, feeling the blade slash her side. Gripping it, she crouched and looked behind her as Sunako smirked.

Gritting her teeth, Aina raised her Keyblade into the air, causing blades of light to strike the ground around Sunako. She stood there and looked at it, confused on what was going on. Aina sprinted forward and brought the blade through Sunako. The blades of light disappeared as Sunako dropped her Keyblade and gripped her side, gritting her teeth in pain before smirking. "Impressive," she remarked as she slowly stood up and turned to face Aina. "Guess I shouldn't have gotten so confident if I was facing the Master's sister. Congratulations, Aina. You managed to hit me and keep me entertained in doing so. I will leave now."

"Where to?" Aina asked. "This world is falling apart as we speak."

"Where else?" Sunako replied as she summoned a Corridor of Darkness and backed into it. "To the dark realm, so I can be with the beings I love so much."

Sunako disappeared into the Corridor of Darkness, leaving just Aina and the unconscious Akari. Aina ran towards Akari and slung her arm over her shoulder. "I gotta take you to the healing pods," she muttered. "We'll be safe there, hopefully."

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