Chapter I

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"The deeper the darkness the more dazzling the light shines!" ~Izuku Midoriya (My Hero Academia)
Sunako Annaisha sat at the fountain in the town square, watching her icy blue-eyed twin Akari show the other Keyblade wielders her powers. Her Keyblade was summoned and at the tip of it were multiple rainbow-colored thread connected to a pink, crystallized heart that she had extracted from a Heartless. It was a strange power indeed, as Akari had the power to see the weaving within the hearts of anyone. Everyone flocked around her and watched her use this power with wonderment and excitement, as this power was unlike any other and nobody else possessed this power or knew where it came from. Not like Sunako was any better, either.

Sunako snapped her fingers and a shadow pooled at her feet before emerging from the darkness was a meek, Shadow Heartless. It twitched and instead of lunging at Sunako and stealing her heart, the Heartless nuzzled its head against her leg. Sunako scratched its head between its antennas affectionately. Sunako had the power, or rather talent, to tame the Heartless. So far, she only tamed the most common and lesser form of Heartless, but she's been working towards trying to tame the upper class Heartless.

For some reason, everyone seemed to avoid her, since she's has the Heartless at her side, therefore making her the "mean lady of darkness".

Hey, they said it, not her.

A shadow appeared over her and Sunako looked up to see a person of average height and build wearing a dark cloak with the hood pulled over their head, concealing their face. This was the Master of Masters, and by his side, holding his hand, was a young girl with shoulder-length curly brown hair and emerald eyes accompanied by thick eyelashes. That was Aina Mirai, supposedly the Master of Masters' younger sister.

"Good day, Sunako Annaisha," Master of Masters greeted her.

"Yo," Sunako lifted her hand up in a casual greeting while still petting her pet Heartless.

"Wow, that Heartless is really fond of you," Master of Masters eyed the Heartless in Sunako's hands.

"I tamed him," Sunako replied.

"How?" Master of Masters asked. "I'd like to know."

Sunako blinked her icy blue eyes in confusion. It was the first time someone even showed interest in her talent without running away screaming, and she would be lying if it didn't fill her with pride and excitement that for once she was noticed and asked about her talents over Akari. But, she kept her composure, even though she was smirking internally as she explained to the Master of Masters, "I'm not so sure. I just saw this Heartless lingering around and threw some food at it. Then, this buddy just began to follow me and come as soon as I call them and leave when I tell them to."

"Show me," Master of Masters stated.

Sunako clicked her tongue and the Heartless jumped out from her hands, pooling into the ground and disappearing. Master of Masters and Aina leaned forward as Sunako snapped her fingers and the Heartless reappeared, causing Aina to squeal. "Ta-da," Sunako did jazz hands, sarcasm laced in her tone as she took her Heartless and snuggled it in a hug, tucking her chin-length short hair behind her ear.

Master of Masters clapped his hands. "Fascinating!" He remarked. "You're the twin of Akari Annaisha, right?"

Sunako sighed. It was only a matter of time before someone brought up her twin, so she shouldn't be surprised, but having the attention focused on her for once was nice while it lasted. "Yup," Sunako nodded. "She has this power where she can weave, unweave and reweave these weavings she can see within a heart at will."

"Ah, I already know that," Master of Masters waved off Akari's introduction by Sunako. "I just find it quite interesting that your talent of darkness contrasts to her talent of light. It's almost fitting; a twin of light and a twin of darkness."

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