Chapter V

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"May your heart be your guiding key." ~Kingdom Hearts
The Master put Foreteller Ira in charge of all of everyone and then disappeared, just like he said he would. Luxu disappeared along with a chest that the Master kept in his study after Foreteller Ira was elected. It all came too quickly. They both left no trances or clues that could point to where the had gone. It's like they never existed.

It was time for the wielders to select which Unions they will pledge loyalty to and serve. Foreteller Ira wanted Aina to speak to everyone before they went to their chosen Unions. "Really, Ira?" Aina asked.

"Yes, you being the younger sister of Master of Masters and with his sudden departure, I think we all need assurance everything will be alright, especially with what the future has in store," Foreteller Ira replied grimly.

Aina shuddered, remembering the vision. Although she hasn't had any more visions regarding the prophecy, the nightmare still haunted her. She took a deep breath and entered the town square of Daybreak Town, stepping onto the fountain as all the Foreteller stood by their Union members. Glancing to the side, she saw Akari and Sunako. The presence of Akari eased her nerves as she exhaled and lifted her head high as she spread her arms. "Keyblade wielders of all around!" She addressed everyone. All eyes were on her as Aina swallowed.

"You are all here today to meet your Union leaders and fellow Union members," Aina continued. "I know that recently, you heard of the departure of Luxu and M.O.M.—"

Realizing the mistake she made, Aina flushed and coughed into her robe sleeve in order to hide her embarrassing mistake but everyone had heard. The young wielders giggled at the nickname and the Foreteller kept a neutral expression. Sunako snickered but Akari elbowed her hard. "I mean, the Master of Masters," Aina corrected herself, composing herself as she pressed forward. "They have left us without notice, but they're absence will not hinder us of our original goals. For all of your futures, I see you all as Keyblade Masters, but only if you put in actual hard work will you all achieve that dream. If you are in need of help, please seek your Union leaders, however Akari and Sunako over there, who are the Guardians of Kingdom Hearts and I will provide help if needed. Please report to your Union leaders now. May your heart be your guiding key."

All the Foretellers called for their Union members and dispersed. Aina stepped off the fountain and took a deep breath, still slightly embarrassed at the slip up. She felt a hand in her shoulder and saw Akari and Sunako at her side, Akari's hand on her shoulder and Sunako staring off, looking bored while holding her pet Heartless in her arms.

Akari gave her a small smile, "You did well, Aina."

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