Chapter XII

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"If my own happiness will lead ton the misfortune of others...then being unhappy is probably the wisest choice." ~Sanka Rea (Sankarea)
Aina woke up to rapid knocking at her door. Groaning, she lifted herself from the bed and stretched, her bones popping as she threw on her outfit, the knocking getting faster and more rapid. She sighed, frustrated at the guest. Who was up this early and needed to see Aina this badly? Gathering herself, Aina went to the door and opened it. "Yes?" She asked but gasped to see her visitors.

Foreteller Ava stood there, panting as she carried a near unconscious Foreteller Gula over her shoulder. "Aina, thank goodness!" She cried. "I need your help in hiding Gula!"

"Hiding Gula?" Aina repeated, taking a step back to show her living space. "I have no place to hide Gula!"

Foreteller Gula groaned as he slowly came to. "" he mumbled.

"Warehouse?" Aina asked.

"He means the warehouse where I found him and where we met to discuss the alliances," Foreteller Ava explained as Aina nodded, following what she was saying. "Please, I need your help, I can't carry him on my own!"

"Alright," Aina sighed as she slung Foreteller Gula's other arm over her shoulder.


The three trudged on slowly, but finally decided to stake out in an alleyway to rest from the travel. Foreteller Gula finally fully came to and leaned against the wall as Foreteller Ava sent out her Chirithy as a scout. Suddenly the Chirithy skidded by the alleyway where the three were hiding and dove straight towards Foreteller Ava. "Someone's coming!" The cute creature panted. "They're heading straight this way!"

Foreteller Ava nuzzled her Chirithy before she stood up. "Take care of them," She ordered before heading off.

Foreteller Gula decided to make a move, trying to stand back up but his attempts ended with him knocking over a box. Aina jumped at the loud noise and looked around, knowing that this would attract somebody to come over to investigate as all was quiet right now. As Aina helped Foreteller Gula back to where he was originally, Foreteller Ava reappeared. She gasped, "Gula, what are you doing?!"

Foreteller Gula finally was able to sit back up as he declined Aina's help to get him into a more comfortable position. "Something happen?" He asked between pants.

"Ira was here," Foreteller Ava replied. "He wanted me to give you up."

"I knew it," Foreteller Gula sighed. "It's finally come to this."

"Come to what?" Foreteller Ava questioned.

"Everyone wants to know about the Lost Page," Foreteller Gula explained.

"The Lost Page?" Foreteller Ava restated, sounding confused.

"Yeah," Foreteller Gula nodded. "It's a page the Master gave me. It doesn't exist in any of our Books. It contains a passage about an inevitable betrayal. It takes about 'the one who bears the sigil'. That's it. So, I don't know what to make of it to be honest. My role is to find out who it is. I suspected Aced and went to confront him. And look what happened."

"Why are you telling us this, Gula?" Foreteller Ava asked gently. "I have enough to think about keeping with Master's teachings and my role."

Foreteller Gula reached out and held her hand. "Always walking the straight and narrow," He said. "I'm a fool for basing my actions on what is written on that Lost Page. Everything in the passage is ambiguous at best. That's why I need to find out."

"But how?" Foreteller Ava said.

"By asking the Master." Foreteller Gula answered.

"But he's not here anymore," Foreteller Ava pointed out.

"I'm going to summon Kingdom Hearts," Foreteller Gula stated his plan.

"What?" Foreteller Ava gasped as Aina remained quiet.

"Then he'll have no choice but to come back," Foreteller Gula added.

"Summoning Kingdom Hearts if forbidden!" Foreteller Ava cried.

"That's exactly why!" He snapped, gripping her hand tighter. "The only way to get him back is to break the rules! If things don't change, the entire world is doomed! But, in order to go through with it, I'll need Lux. I don't have nearly enough." He looked up at the both of us. "You two always do the right thing. Help me with this," He begged.

"This may just work," Aina finally spoke up, smiling slowly.

"Aina!"  Foreteller Ava cried.

"Look, I want my brother back as well just like the rest of you!" Aina shouted. "You think it's easy for me to walk around and observe all of you without even wondering if this is supposed to happen or are we deviating from what is prophesied? If we get my brother back, he'll answer all of our questions! I don't even care he goes back on his Mary way, I just want answers! I'll do whatever you ask me to, Gula."

"See, Aina gets it," Foreteller Gula gave a small smile as he turned to Foreteller Ava. "Ava? What about you.

"I'm sorry," Foreteller Ava sighed as she placed the both of her hands around Gula's hand. "I know you want the Master to return, but you don't know how summoning Kingdom Hearts is going to affect the rest of the world. The Master...he forbid it for a reason. I'm afraid I can't help you."

"I see," Foreteller Gula sighed as he slowly stood up stumbled out of the alleyway. He stopped once he was in the light and placed his hand over his heart. "May your heart be your guiding key," He stated.

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