Chapter IX

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"Stop complaining about fate and saying how it can't be changed!" ~Naruto Uzumaki (Naruto Shippuden)
It's been a couple of days since Foreteller Ira held the meeting, and Foretellers Ava, Gula, and Aced sat in a warehouse along with Aina. They were all called to meet up with the brute leader. At the moment, he seemed to be ranting about Foreteller Ira's poor demonstration yesterday. "I was wrong about Ira!" Foreteller Aced ranted as he paced the room. "I thought he would make a great leader, but he let me down. Well, what do you three think? You don't believe what Ira said, do you?"

"Of course not," Foreteller Gula replied. "His argument was unconvincing. It's like Invi said, he's just making baseless assumptions given the situation. There's no evidence to tie his accusations to anyone, let alone one of us."

"Akari doesn't know of the traitor either," Aina added. "I couldn't find Sunako, but I doubt she would be of any help to us."

"Maybe there's something he hasn't told us," Foreteller Ava suggested, trying to stay positive.

"Then he needs to tell us," Foreteller Aced yelled. "How dare he look at us with suspicion! We're his comrades!"

"I wouldn't call us 'comrade'..." Foreteller Gula grumbled. "Anyway, could you get to the point? I know you didn't call us here just to complain."

"I want the four of us to form an alliance," Foreteller Aced stated.

Aina gasped at the statement. "But alliances are forbidden, Aced!" Foreteller Ava cried.

"I knew it," Foreteller Gula sighed. "I had a feeling it would come to this. So, we join forces, then confront Ira?"

"Confronting him is pointless," Foreteller Aced said. "Ira won't change his mind. I know there's darkness at work. There's no question. But, I don't believe for a second that there's a traitor among us. Unfortunately, Ira doesn't share the same belief. He's just wasting time trying to figure out who the traitor is! The darkness won't wait and neither should we. We need to band together now and a way to fight it."

"Guess it makes sense," Foreteller Gula agreed.

"I agree that we need to do something to fight the darkness," Ava nodded. "But combining our Unions? That was strictly forbidden by the Master."

"He's no longer here," Foreteller Aced reminded them.

"I'm in," Foreteller Gula nodded. "But, let's make this clear; the alliance is just between the two of us right now. I don't want my Union members involved."

"Gula!" Foreteller Ava gasped.

Foreteller Aced turned towards Foreteller Ava and Aina, waiting for their answer. "I want...I want to follow the Master's teachings," Foreteller Ava gave her answer.

"I don't want to defy M.O.M.'s teachings...but I feel like I should talk to Akari first to get her input before I make my choice," Aina replied. "I'll speak to her first and give you my answer later."

"Understood," Aced nodded at the both of us. "That's your choice to make. You two should do whatever you feel is right."

"Yeah," Foreteller Ava agreed.

"By the way, Aced. Do Ira and Invi know?" Gula asked.

"I haven't talked to Ira about it for obvious reasons, but I did ask Invi to join us," Foreteller Aced explained.

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