Chapter X

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"If you can't do something, then don't. Focus on what you can do."  ~Shiroe (Log Horizon)
Aina sighed as she stepped out of the warehouse, freed from all the tension from the precious argument. Walking around Daybreak Town to cool herself off, she spotted Foreteller Ava sitting on the fountain in the middle of the town square. She decided to join her friend and sat alongside her. "That went well," Aina stretched.

"Could've been worse," Foreteller Ava stated as the two of them just sat and admired the sound of the water running on the fountain behind them. "When will it stop? I don't want us to turn against each other..."

"Master Ava! Ms. Aina Mirai!" A voice greeted the two.

They looked up to see a young boy with silver hair, wearing the generic Union attire for training, only his was colored red. "Oh. Hello! You name is Ephemer, right?" Foreteller Ava smiled at the young Keyblade Wielder.

"Uh-huh!" He nodded. "Uh, hey, can I join the both of you?" He asked.

"Sure!" Aina smiled, patting the place between the two where he can sit.

Foreteller Ava ducked her head so he couldn't see as Ephemer sat down between her and Aina. "Why the long face?" Ephemer frowned, concerned at Ava. "Did something happen?"

"Long day..." She replied. "Do you remember that you asked me a question? About why the Unions compete against each other instead of working together? Actually, I always wondering the same thing."

"Huh? Isn't it just because the Master said so?" Ephemer answered.

"Yes, and as such we must obey," Foreteller Ava nodded. "The Master said so, so it is. But lately, I've really started to wonder. You once told me that you were looking for answers, that you wanted to solve the mysteries of this world. Well, I think that's how things should be. We need to question things and think for ourselves."

"Whoa!" Ephemer cried. "You're really not yourself today. I guess even Foretellers have their off days." He glanced at Aina, "How about you, Ms. Aina? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," She smiled back in response.

"I remember on the day we chose our Unions, you completely messed up your speech," Ephemer laughed.

"Don't remind me!" Aina looked away, blushing.

"Hey, maybe talking about the Book will cheer you two up!" Ephemer gave them a cheeky smile.

"Not a chance!" Foreteller Ava smirked, avoiding the trap.

"Awww," He sighed in defeat.

"You were trying to pull a fast one, weren't you?" Aina giggled.

"No, no!" Ephemer blushed. "I was joking!"

"If you say so," Foreteller Ava chuckled. "But, to be honest, I think it would be great if all the Unions could work together and be friends."

"You know, I made a friend from another Union today," Ephemer said. "Wasn't much of a talker, maybe just shy. We're meeting again tomorrow."

"That sounds like so much fun!" Foreteller Ava smiled. "Then, you better go home and get some sleep."

"'Kay!" Ephemer jumped off the fountain and ran off. Before he got too far, he turned around and bowed at the both of us. "Well, it was nice talking to the both of you. I don't know what got you both down, but please cheer up!"

Foreteller Ava smiled at the boy. "Thank you," She nodded.

As he was out of earshot, she sighed and looked at the sky. A gentle breeze blew and dandelion seeds flew through the air. "If the worst happens, I'll be glad to leave the future to the kids who see the world in the way that you do," She mumbled. "Let the wind carry you far, far, Dandelions."

"Hm?" Aina leaned over, looking at her female friend. "What's that?"

"Nothing," Foreteller Ava looked back down at her clasped hands. "It's nothing. Something I made up."

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