Chapter XV

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"War does not determine who is right...only who is left." ~Riza Hawkeye (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Aina sat a good distance away from the fated battlefield and awaited for the Unions to arrive. Some were already there, but she couldn't tell who's who from where I sat. "So, you're here to observe as well?" A voice asked from behind.

Turning around, Aina saw Luxu holding brother's Keyblade and a black box. "Luxu!" She gasped. "Where have you been?"

"In the shadows," he replied. "I've been watching all of you, making sure everything the Master wanted to happen, happen. And I'm glad to say that everything went as he predicted."

"I see," she forced a small smile but eyed the weapon he held. "Why do you have my brother's Keyblade?" She asked.

"Oh, this?" Luxu lifted the blade up. "I'm going to record the battle with the eye implanted in here. I've already recorded what I've observed."

"I see," Aina turned back around to see another Union has arrived.

"You know, in times of despair, it's nice to at least have a friend by your side," Luxu commented.

"I wouldn't say we are friends, exactly..." Aina stated. "We weren't that close. Acquaintances, at best."

"Harsh," Luxu gave a dry chuckle.

"That's nothing compared to the literal bloodbath that's about to happen," Aina rolled her eyes as she turned back to face the battlefield.

"Oh, Aina?" Luxu said from behind.

"Yes?" She answered.

"Happy birthday," Luxu told her.

Aina froze at what Luxu told her before she burst out in laughter. She held her stomach as she cackled like a psychopath, wiping her eyes from the tears that came. "What's so funny?" Luxu asked.

"Oh, nothing, just the cruel gift in front of me," Aina snickered. "Oh yes. Happy birthday to me. What's my birthday gift, you say? Watching all my friends die."

Luxu didn't reply as Aina looked down at the battlefield and saw all the Unions had gathered. "It's time," he said as he stabbed the Master's Keyblade into the ground.

"Yes, it is," Aina grimly replied as she covered her left eye with her hand and her right eye became narrow, the sclera becoming a multicolor mixture of blues and greens with a oval-shaped, slitted black pupil.

It was indeed time for the war to commence.

The Union leaders gave the signal and Keyblade Wielders charged at one another, preparing to fight any wielder they find, whether it be a former ally or a stranger. Aina watched a wielder fall and prayed they got back up. They didn't. They disappeared into the light and their white heart glowed where their body was. It floated away to join with the Lux. Aina felt a pang at her heart but knew she had to stay strong. She had to make sure this was recorded and she's shouldn't mess up.

Several more hearts join the one that fell. Aina knew that she was recording this catastrophic event, the Master of Masters could peer into her eye and see whatever the eye was seeing. She wondered; is he watching this battle? Where? From afar?

The metallic scent of blood filled her nose and made it tingle. She shuddered from the constant clashing of metal. Even more hearts began to fly away.

Finally, all was left were the last couple of stragglers who fought to the bitter end. They all collapsed and faded into light, leaving their hearts to float away.


The fated battle was over.

Keyblades flew from the sky and struck the earth, cracking it. They marked the gravestones of every wielder and Union leader who had fell and died in this war. A chilling wind blew through, causing Aina to shiver and hold her arms tightly. The keychains on the Keybaldes rattled as the wind blew.

Aina removed her hand from her eye and it went back to normal as she got off where she sat and walked towards the gravestones. "Aina...?" She heard Luxu call for her,

Aina trailed her hand along the keychains of the Keyblade, hearing the names of the fallen wielder it belonged to as it changed against the weapon.

She passed Ira's, the selfless unicorn who took it upon himself he lead his Union as well as the other Union leaders.

Invi's, the loyal snake, who remained at her leader's side until the very end.

Aced's, the strong bear, the one who first doubted their leader.

Ava's, the peaceful fox, who remained positive despite the events unfolding in front of her.

And Gula's, the watchful fox, who sought out the traitor but in the end didn't know where to start himself.

Aina stood in the resting place of her friends as she looked up into the sky but her eyes widened at the sight. High above, the clouds parted as a giant, heart-shaped moon emerged. Lux from the fallen Keyblades rose and swirled up at the entity high above along with the hearts of everyone who fell.

It was Kingdom Hearts in all its glory. And yet, despite contributing to its appearance, Aina felt...terrified. She didn't feel excitement or the joy she thought she would feel once she would see this moon, knowing that her brother is now on his way as he gotta see this from wherever he was. But, she felt fear coursing through her veins as she watched the moon from above.

Akari was right. She didn't even know what she was getting herself into.

Hearing footsteps, she turned to see Luxu had appeared beside her, dragging the box with him. "So, that is what Kingdom Hearts is..." Luxu muttered.

"Scary," Aina replied.

"Powerful," Luxu corrected as he turned to face Aina. "Look, Aina, Kingdom Hearts is going to destroy this world and take everything with it to darkness. Your role has been fulfilled, so there is nothing else you need to do. Come with me, I'll take you someplace safe and we'll avoid being destroyed along with this world."

"Okay," Aina nodded. "I'll get Akari and Sunako and we'll go with you—"

"There isn't enough time," Luxu interrupted.

"What?" Aina said.

"There isn't enough time to get the Guardians of Kingdom Hearts to come with us," Luxu restated. "I'm sorry, but it's going to be just the two of us. It's now, or never. Please, Aina. I don't want you to get destroyed along with this world."

"I..." Aina trailed as she looked back up at the moon which was gathering power and back down at Luxu. "I'm sorry, Luxu, but I have to decline your offer," she said to him. "I just wouldn't be able to live with myself if I went with you and left my mentor behind."

"I...see..." Luxu sighed as she picked the black box back up and dispelled his Keyblade. "I have to go then. You do realize that we'll never meet again, right?"

"I know," Aina nodded. "And I'm okay with that. Farewell, Luxu."

"Goodbye, Aina," he said as he dragged the box with him as he went into wherever he was going to hide in order to wait out the destruction of this world. "May your heart be your guiding key."

Luxu left Aina standing alone in the graveyard.

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