Chapter XX

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"If you do evil out of hatred for evil, that rage and hate will merely birth new conflict." ~Saber (Fate/Stay Night)
Two figures wandered through the Realm of Darkness, in search in an exit. One was a blue-haired woman who was a Keyblade Master, named Aqua. The other was the ruler of a castle called Disney Castle, named King Mickey.

King Mickey had traveled down here in order to rescue Aqua due to her being trapped down her for ten years in an effort to save her friend dead to her, Terra, even though she looks as if she hasn't aged a single day.

And Sunako has been watching them this entire journey together.

She knew of their goal; find a way out through the door that they called Kingdom Hearts, though last time Sunako checked Kingdom Hearts was a giant moon, but since the original Kingdom Hearts has sunk into darkness, she guess Kingdom Hearts could now appear as anything.

She knew they were in a hurry, but they could spare a few minutes and entertain her, right?

Sunako clicked her tongue and sent out Neoshadows to block their path. The two quickly took them out, which didn't surprise Sunako at all. They were Keyblade Masters after all.

Sunako stepped in their ashy remains, arms spread as she gave a small shrug. "Heya," she greeted the two. "You're on my terf."

"Who are you?" Aqua demanded.

"Oh, I go by many names," Sunako replied. "Guardian of Kingdom Hearts, Representative of Darkness, Queen of the Heartless...but Sunako Annaisha is very much my preferred name."

"How did you get down here?" King Mickey asked. "Where did you come from?"

"Now I gave you one answer for free," Sunako gave out a fake whine. "It's no fun if I give you all the answers without payment."

"We don't have time for this!" Aqua growled.

"Look, I know you two are in a rush, but you can spare five minutes and entertain me, right?" Sunako asked and continued on without waiting for their response. She summoned her Keyblade in hand and got into a battle stance. "If you can hit me within five minutes, I'll answer your question. If you don't, I'll leave you with a few scratches."

"I assume we don't have a choice?" Aqua questioned as she summoned her Keyblade as well.

"You're smart," Sunako smirked.

Aqua and King Mickey leapt forward and Sunako stood still, eyes closed. She suddenly opened her eyes swept her Keyblade into a large arc in front of her, blocking both attacks by the wielders and throwing them off balance. They fell back as Sunako lifted her Keyblade into the air, sending a rain of dark fireballs at them. The two wielders ran around in order to avoid the barrage but Sunako didn't give them a break.

She coated her blade in dark fire, just as Aina did with hers back when they both fought and jumped up and brought the blade down hard on Aqua. She put up a good defense as she held her Keyblade up in front of her face as she struggled underneath Sunako. She smirked as she pushed down harder on the Keyblade Master, overwhelming her.

King Mickey appeared behind Sunako and tried to get her from behind but Sunako leaned to the side as King Mickey's attack struck Aqua and she slid back. "Aqua!" King Mickey cried out apologetically.

"I'm fine!" She yelled.

"You got a minute left," Sunako said, stabbing her blade in the ground and stretching. "You put up a good fight, entertained me quiet a bit. But, if you want your answers, you got to try harder."

King Mickey bolted forward and Sunako quickly pulled her Keyblade out from the ground and prepared to block the attack but King Mickey lifted his Keyblade into the air and yelled, "Stop!"

Sunako felt all time around her froze as she was unable to move. She couldn't even shift her eyes to look around. She heard to sound of running footsteps coming her way and felt something hard blunt strike her side,the same side Aina had injured, which had just healed recently.

As soon as the spell wore off, Sunako groaned in pain as she gripped her side. Aqua, the one who had attacked he, dispelled her Keyblade. "Will you answer our questions now?" She snapped.

"There's a woman named Aina Mirai," Sunako answered. "Should be easy to find. Well known where she lives. Last I checked on her she was residing in Radiant Garden. Just ask around. She has your answers."

"Do we have to beat you up even further to force more out of you?" Aqua yelled.

"First, I said I would answer your question-I never said it has to be a good answer," Sunako pointed out. "Second, the answer I gave you is sufficient enough-just put the effort in and investigate the answer I gave you."

She summoned a dark portal behind her as she walked backwards into it. "Oh, and if any of you do find Aina, tell her I'm waiting, and that humanity among the divided worlds has kept me entertained while waiting."

"Wait!" King Mickey cried.

"Don't you have a door with a name tag that reads 'Kingdom Hearts' that you need to close?" Sunako remarked as she slipped into the portal, disappearing off to who-know-where this time.

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