Hospital continued

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A.N. This one will change p.o.v a few times just sayin, but I'll let you know when it does :)))

Josh's p.o.v

Ive been sitting in this chair for 5 hours my hands on the back of my neck my head between my knees waiting for her to wake up. Tyler has attempted to give me food and telling me to sleep but all I can focus on right now is her every time I look up at her I notice how beautiful she is. Her gorgeous brown hair smooth skin pink lips. Who would ever want to hurt that... My thoughts get interrupted when I hear Tyler walk in.

He shuts the door behind him sitting beside my patting my back " Josh bud you gotta eat, you know you've hardly known the girl twenty four hours and all the sudden it's like she's all you have. Like with out her you can't go on." I kick his leg.

"Tyler I don't know what it is about her man but I really feel like I can't go on if she isn't okay." I feel my eyes stinging with tears threatening to spill so I tuck my head back between my legs and hear Tyler stand back up. I listen to his foot steps as he crosses the room then sits on the bed I look up to see what he's doing. He takes her hand and kisses the back of it.

He starts singing "she asked me son when I grow old will you buy me a house of gold...and when your father t-turns to s-tone..." He starts sobbing dropping her hand and burying his face in his hands. I stand up sitting beside him rubbing his back and crying softly with him.

I reach over and grab her hand running my thumb over the back of it and starts singing quietly. "She's the tear in my heart I'm alive, she's the tear in my heart I'm on fire...she's the tear in my heart take me higher...than I've ever been." My voice cracks a bit. Tyler stands up looks at me and let's a single tear fall I just nod my head knowing what he means and he leaves the room. I feel my eyes start to droop so I lay down beside her, and instantly fall asleep.

Dylan's p.o.v

I can feel Josh rubbing my hand and barely hear him singing. I want to scream I want out I want to tell him how much I appreciate him and how sweet he is...but I can't. I'm stuck here for who knows how long feeling and hearing things they do but I can't respond. I can barely hear and feel them it feels like they are miles away but it's still them and it's all that matters. I try to scream one more time but nothing comes out. You know at is point I'm getting pissy because if it's my time to die take me now don't make me suffer this long, but if it's not my time let me up. But being stuck in between... just waiting is's just torture. I lay there for what feels like another year and I can hear mumbling and someone pacing around the room and still feel Josh sleeping on my arm. Since Josh is still asleep it couldn't have been more than another hour or two...right.

The beeps get louder.

I feel cold hospital air against my skin.

It definitely smells like a hospital.

But it's still dark so dark.

My right arm is asleep.

The beeps get louder...louder...louder.

A.N. I didn't switch p.o.v as much as I wanted but I'm tired and feel mean so...have fun imagining what's gonna happen. Goodnight.

~Tear In My Heart~<Josh Dun>Where stories live. Discover now