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Tyler's p.o.v

Ive been at Dylan's place for like two hours the show is at 8 and it's only three so I'm not really worried about time. Im also not really worried about Josh. Yeah he's one of my best friends and he's my bandmate but I'm not gonna let him be a dick towards my other best friends. I'd do the same to Dylan if she was being mean to Josh.

I wouldn't hit her or anything like I did Josh but I'd definitely give her the silent treatment.

I really am lucky to have someone like Dylan in my life I wouldn't be who I am today without her I just really do love her so so so much. I slide over pulling her against my chest focusing on the tv.

Dylan's p.o.v

I feel Tyler's arm go around me then feel him pull me into his chest. I just cuddle up into him and keep watching Miranda's new show (yes Miranda sings) haters back off   We are on episode two and I'm already in love with it. 

I kinda zone out for a second thinking about life so I just close my eyes and listen to the tv. When I open my eyes I hear Tyler saying he left me subway on the counter but he has to go because it's 5:15 and his producer said he needs to be there now.

I assume I fell asleep but I feel really weak...omfg really those stupid space out spell things are back aren't they...why now...fúçk. My. Life.

"Tyler." My voice is a lot quieter than it should be and my throat is killing me. He walks into the Room looking worried. "Yes?"

"It happened again." His face drops and he picks up his phone. "I'm canceling the show to stay here with you." I shake my head standing up realizing how weak my legs are.

He catches me before I fall and pulls me into his chest shaking his is head yes. He grabs my Diet Coke he bought me and I take a few long sips through a straw. Once my throat doesn't feel like I'm being stabbed repeatedly I decide I can actually talk.

"No Tyler it's only 5:20 I'll feel better by like 5:45 or 6 it'll all be good I'll be fine you just go and please don't tell Josh." He shakes his head. "What if it happens again while I'm gone what if you pass out and slip into a coma or something."

"Tyler I like that you actually care about me and all but you need to go you've canceled way to many shows so far during this tour and that disappoints a ßhít tøn of people. " he looks at me and nods.

"Okay." There's a pause for a few minutes and we just look at eachother.

"But I swear Dylan if something happens while I'm gone you'll never hear the end of it from me and I'll never hear then end of it from Josh because trust me he will find out if something does happen."

I nod and shove him toward the door kissing his cheek and wishing him luck.

6:33 pm

I've been laying in my room in the dark going Back and forth between snapchat and Instagram since Tyler left at 5:30. I go on Tylers insta and see a vid of him and Josh running around laughing with a caption that says it's all good guuuyyyyyyssss I scoff but like the pic anyway.

The more I scroll through Tyler's page the more I miss being there with them before and during shows. Playing hide and seek with walkie talkies. Playing tag in the rain like two year olds. Just having fun and constantly laughing.

Josh did say he reserved seats for us tonight

Dylan stop ur not going that would show them how easily you give in.

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