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Dylan's p.o.v

My alarm starts playing training wheels by Melanie Martinez signaling it's time to get up. I lazily reach over grabbing my phone off the charger and hit snooze. I notice Josh isn't in bed any more and hear the shower running so I assume he's in the shower. I get up tightening my joggers around my waist and throwing my hair into a messy bun and make my way downstairs phone in hand.

Tyler is sitting at the small round table in the kitchen eating ice cream for breakfast. I sigh and walk up behind him taking the bowls and spoon away setting it in the sink.

"Tyler we've been over this you can't just eat ice cream for breakfast." I reach into the fridge and hand him an orange sherbet yoplait yogurt and a clean spoon. he doesn't say anything as he peels the aluminum lid off handing it to me and starts eating.

I happily throw it away and hug him grabbing a yogurt with granola and a spoon for myself then jog back up the stairs. Right before I close my door I hear Tyler grabbing something out of the sink.

"Tyler I said no ice cream put it back." He groans dropping it back in the sink. "Fine mom." I smile closing my door.

I plop down on my bed turning joshes MacBook on and signing into his Netflix account. I click on haters back off episode 4 and continue watching as I eat my yogurt.

Josh comes out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist and he's still dripping wet. I point back to the bathroom and he groans going back in a drying completely off then coming back out with shorts on.

"Thank you that's much better. I wasn't about to let you sit on my bed with your soaking wet body. Why don't you dry completely off the first time babes." I laugh a bit and he plops down beside me.

"It just takes to long...are Tyler and Ellie downstairs?" He grabs my spoon taking a bite of my yogurt.

"Yeah Tyler's down there I think Ellie is still asleep though." He nods.

"I thought everything was going to be a lot more hectic this morning because we have to leave soon." He shakes his head taking another bite.

"We are going to leave tomorrow." I groan throwing my head back then look him dead in the eye. "Really Josh you could've at least turned my alarm off and let me sleep longer it's not even that bright outside yet and I'm awake."

He laughs and kisses me then goes downstairs to eat. I turn his laptop off plugging it in and set my yogurt container on my nightstand. Grabbing my phone I walk into my bathroom closing the door then hooking my phone up to the speaker.

I play a mix of Melanie Martinez and Halsey singing aLong loudly as I wash my fading electric blue hair. Once I'm done I step out throwing my hair up into a towel and wrapping a second towel around my body then turn my speaker down a bit. After I pat my face dry I dry off my body slipping on a bra and a tank top that's laying on the floor. I move the towel to around my waist and walk into my room to grab pants and underwear. I decide to use today to clean my smol "house" up so I put on leggings and just leave the tank top I have on.

As I walk back into my bathroom I take my hair out of the towel letting it fall down against my back knotted and damp. Grabbing my brush I spray detangling spray into my hair and get to work. When my hair is brushed out and completely dry I throw it up into a high ponytail and put on a grey black and white pink headband. I decide not to put on any makeup since I'm just going to clean.

Since it's only 7:33 at this point I don't want to start vacuuming or anything and wake up my neighbors or Ellie. I clean my bathroom up and bring all my dirty clothes down stairs putting them in the hamper in the hallway.

~Tear In My Heart~<Josh Dun>Where stories live. Discover now