Finally home!!!

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Dylan's p.o.v

I hear a nurse walk in so I barely open my eyes rubbing them a bit then reach over for my phone to check the time. It's only 9:33 but I decide to stay awake so I can get out of here. She walks over to me saying good morning and asking how I'm feeling.

"I feel fine just ready to be home." I lie feeling the sharp pain in my ankle and my head throbbing. She looks at me and raises and eyebrow. "I swear I'm fine." I smile at her and hold out my arms so she'll take the dumb iv's out. She slowly starts pulling them out which isn't pleasant at all it's absolutely disgusting. Like why can't you just do it fast you and me both know it's gross so don't just take your time please. Once she gets them all out she writes some stuff down then walks out of the room. I look over and see Josh is awake laughing.

I start smiling at his cute laugh and smile. "Are you laughing at me." He nods laughing harder, after he managed to calm himself down he looks up at me. "Sorry Dylan just the faces you were making at her and the faces you made when she pulled one out were priceless. He shows me his phone where he had been recording the whole time. The video was pretty funny but extremely embarrassing, so what does her do...he post it on Twitter Instagram tumblr and snapchat.

"Your really good at fake sleeping." I start laughing siting up in the bed looking around for my clothes. "Well it takes time but I mastered it." He laughs them hands me his sweatshirt and a pair of leggings they got from my house.

"We didn't know where your clothes were. This should be ok for now right?" I nod going to stand up but feel him push me right back into the bed. "Josh I need to go get dressed." He just walks out of the room closing the door. I struggle to get my casted foot through my leggings but I manage to then I slip his sweatshirt on and call him back in.

"I signed you out and they are getting you crutches." I nod thanking him then grab a bag they brought and throw my phone and charger and stuff in it. I feel him sit on the bed behind me and start braiding my hair into boxer braids. When he's done I thank him and he pulls me into his lap and hugs me.

"I've also mastered he art of braiding hair." We both laugh as the doctor walks in with crutches. He tells me to come back in four weeks and to not put to much pressure on my ankle. I adjust the crutches to the height I need but after I get outside the hospital I realize how much I hate them so I give them to Josh then start to hop on my left leg. I feel him pick me up bridal style and I start laughing. He carries me to the car laughing the whole way. When we get there he sets me in the passenger seat and puts the crutches in the back. We drive in silence the next 8 minutes to my house. We pull up in my driveway he runs to my side and opens the door carrying me in and onto the couch. He runs back out grabbing my crutches and comes back in closing the door behind him.

When he comes back to the couch he plops down beside me grabbing my hand kissing the back of it. I laugh and pull my hand away "Xcuse me sir we aren't dating." He laughs and blushes "I know we aren't dating...we are married. Welcome home Mrs. Dun." We both start dying laughing.

"Tyler told the doctor I was your husband so we would be able to see you." He laughs and turns the tv on ' I wouldn't mind being called Mrs. dun one day' he pulls me out of my thoughts when he lays down behind me and pulls me down with him. Josh puts a pillow under my foot to prop it up and wraps his arm around me. We fall asleep cuddling and watching American horror story re-runs.

Tyler's p.o.v

Josh texted me saying they were at Dylan's house so I drove over And let myself in. I walk in and hear a faint snoring sound and the American horror story freak show intro playing. I walk into the living room after taking my shoes of and see the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life. Josh is laying behind Dylan on the couch and Dylan is facing him with her head on his should and her hand on his arm that's wrapped around her. He had his head buried in the crook of her neck and his right arm wrapped around her tightly. Of course I'm not just gonna let this go so I pull out my phone and take a few pictures of and with them then upload it to Instagram will the caption "ok guys if you think this is adorable repost it or other pics of them with #dosh or # jylan." I started reading comments and of course some were really mad but others really supported it. Both of there phones started blowing up waking Dylan up because she had her sounds all the way up.

She woke up and looked at me checked her phone turned off her Instagram notifications rolled her eyes hen layer back down. She cuddled back into Josh and then he woke up when I started laughing. He sat up and rolled his eyes then untangled himself from Dylan being careful not to wake her up. He sat on the other end of the couch and watched her for a minute then looked up at me.

"Why are you here?"

"Well someone's not a happy camper after there little cuddle session with Dylan."

"No I'm not a happy camper because my best fren ruined my cuddle session with Dylan." He looks at me rolling his eyes and I start laughing waking Dylan up.

She sits up looking at me "why are you here?" I laugh

"Well next time I'll just have to remember that you guys are pissy after cuddle sessions." I start laughing and Dylan points to the front door. I look over at Josh.

He points to the front door to. "Now." I get up and throw my hands in the air grabbing my shoes and phones walking out the door.

Dylan's p.o.v

I laugh once Tyler's gone and reach up for Josh. "Take me upstairs please?" He picks me up taking me up stairs and setting me on the bathroom counter. I grab a plastic bag tying it around my cast and hop into the shower while he watches tv. Once I get out I put his sweatshirt back on and blue track shorts. I tell him he can come in we talk for a bit while I brush and try to decide what to do with my hair.

I look at him in the mirror and he runs his hands through my hair. "Let's dye it!" I look at him like he's crazy...

A.N. Ok so I can't tell if my chapters have been really long or short I know his one was longer than normal but let me know if I should shorten them or start writing more.

~Tear In My Heart~<Josh Dun>Where stories live. Discover now