Run And Go

103 9 3

Wifi went out last night sorry.

Dylan's p.o.v

I stretch my legs out then stand up stretching out my arms and making my way off the plane with only my phone wallet and earbuds in hand. It wasn't an extremely long flight but it wasn't that short either. I slept a little over halfway through it so about 3 ish hours. I immediately walk towards the tiny crowded Starbucks and get in line pulling out my phone. My phone is on 22% so I turn the brightness down and go ahead make sure my uber is on the way. I swore to myself id never use uber but you gotta do what ya gotta do. I turn my phone off and put it in the waistband of my pants since I'm wearing leggings. I order a tall Carmel frappe and a slice of banana bread. After paying a ridiculous $6 for something that'll last 15 minutes I walk out and start walking towards the exit.

After about five minutes of looking around for my uber I find it and climb into the back seat. I didn't expect the driver to be that cute but oh my lord was I wrong, he was kinda like if zack Efron and Leonardo DiCaprio (the young Leonardo) had a child. And man was I enjoying those gorgeous eyes lookin at me in the rear view mirror.

"So are ya gonna close the door." I realize I've been sitting her half in the car for a few seconds just staring and turn bright red. "Oh yeah... Um sorry...I'm just gonna be honest here...your like gorgeous..."

He rolls his eyes and mutters a thanks. "You know what never mind." He chuckles and it's gorgeous but I'm not in the mood to deal with his attitude. "Sorry I was a bit rude." I just nod leaning back against the seat closing my eyes and telling him my address.

When we get to the gate leading into the apartment complex he stops and turns around looking at me. "Do you need something?" I raise my eyebrow "just wanted to know if you need me to drive you to your building."

I roll my eyes handing him $20 then get out jumping the fence slowly making my way to my building and up the stairs to my smol apartment. I finally get to the 7th floor apartment 667 my neighbor Nick or Mr.T that lives in 666 across from me is leaning against the railing of our floor smoking.

I unlock my door and step inside closing the door. "Back so soon Evans?" My door was almost completely closed when I hear him say that. I turn around opening the door. He's a very strange man single but has 2 kids that never come around. He's balding and is constantly smoking. I'm pretty sure he works as a bagger at Publix a few blocks away. Needles to say he's a loser. But he can be a very nice guy sometimes to nice but he's strange so.

"Yeah I guess. How are you?" He puts his cigarette out and turns around looking at me as he flicks the bud over the railing. "Fine. And yourself?" I just smile and nod giving him a thumbs up.

"I haven't seen you around here in a while where have you been mr. T?" He sighs. "I was visiting my girls a few states over." I smile and he smiles back.

"Do anything fun?" Shakes his head no. "Nothing to interesting. Did you?" I shake my head no.

"I need to go but I'll see you around I guess." He nods "have a nice night." I nod and smile walking in and locking the door behind me.


Btw guys she lives in a nicer complex some of them are more like penthouses but I dunno Dylan lives in an apartment with two story's would that be called a condo or a penthouse or what I dunno let me know lol I don't wanna sound stupid.

I kick my shoes off at the stairs then make my up them to my room and lay across the bed plugging my phone in and going to sleep.

Joshes p.o.v

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