Oh miss believer

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Get ready...

Dylan's p.o.v

I felt joshes hand on my shoulder gently shaking me awake. I sit up stretching and blush when I feel his eyes burning into me.

"Morning beautiful." I check the time on my phone it's 1:33 A.M. I guess we just landed so I grab my headphones and joshes earbuds throwing them into the Carry on bag as he stands up hugging me from behind. Still half asleep he leads me off the plane and to the baggage claim. Once we meet up with Tyler and we all have our bags we decide we are hungry. The huge black tour bus pulls up and we all pile in telling the driver to drive to the nearest Taco Bell. It was open thank god and conveniently there was a star bucks right beside it that was also for some reason open. I walk over to the Starbucks and grab us coffee and Josh goes and get tacos while Tyler does absolutely nothing to help...shocker right...

I climb back into the bus scarfing down my taco as I walk. Tyler starts recording me while I put my coffee in the fridge, and Josh is smiling his adorable very contagious squinty eye smile. I sit down beside Josh putting my legs in his lap and leaning back onto Tyler's left shoulder closing my eyes and falling asleep before anyone can say anything else.

10 hours later

We somehow all manage to finally wake up enough to actually communicate properly.

"Josh are we just gonna hang around here all day?" He thinks for a second before shaking his head no. "Ok...then what are we doing?"

Tyler chimes in...loudly... " we are gonna parRRTTTAAAYYY........" I shake my head no and laugh a bit drinking and all that jazz has never really been my thing...I mean technically I'm not even old enough to go to any clubs or anything yet so.

"Guys I'm only 19 you realize that right." They frown for a moment. Then Tyler smiles.

"And I'm the lead singer of twenty one pilots. Dylan don't worry bout it okay?" I shake my head again. "I still don't want to Tyler. You guys just go I'll stay here." They spend the next FOUR FLIPPIN HOURS trying to convince me to go, but I refuse every time. They will not give up... After A while I go back into the bunks and get in a bed laying there for an hour listening to them talking then getting ready.

About fifteen minutes later Josh pokes his head in kisses my cheek and I tell him to be careful and call me if he needs anything. I have faith in Josh we aren't dating but I trust he wouldn't do anything like that to me... I mean at least I hope he wouldn't. It's not really my place to tell him he can't anyway...right? I fall asleep thinking worst case scenarios.

When I wake up 45 minutes later I turn my phone on getting on Instagram I automatically notice people (mostly fans of Josh and Tyler) sending me vids of Josh making out with some random chick holding a drink in the air. I go through a few more pics and vids and they are all the same thing. I can't believe this...I really can't... Why am I upset...it shouldn't matter...but it does. I trusted him I trusted him so much I believed him when he said he wouldn't do anything but he did. I'm not his girlfriend I shouldn't care. I don't want to care. I know there's no point in leaving right now I really want to but there's no point in it. I cry myself to sleep not knowing what else I can do.

I wake up at 12:39 hearing the door to the bus opening and a very happy loud Josh entering. Tyler isn't as sober as I thought he'd be, but definitely not a drunk as Josh. I just stay in the bed hoping they don't remember I'm back here or with them at all. Of course with my luck though they do, and they both start yelling my name. I try not to laugh hearing them opening the fridge and cabinets drunkly arguing about where I'd be hiding. Then I remember what he did to me and have to fight back tears. They both come back to where I'm sleeping pull the curtain open and lay on either side of me. Tyler sets his cheek against mine and tells me he missed me. Josh goes to wrap his arms around me but I push him off and hug Tyler tight and start crying. Josh looks like a lost puppy and Tyler looks confused but just hold me and strokes my hair. After a few minutes I tell Josh to get up and then I get up with him and take him to one of the couches in the front laying him down. He try's to pull me down with him and kiss me but I push away. I grab him two Advil and a water bottle setting it on the table beside him for in the morning. I go crawl back in bed with Tyler curling up to him.

10:24 A.M.

Joshes p.o.v

I wake up to my head pounding and everything sounding way way way to loud and being way way way to bright. Ah...I'm hungover...great. Of course the first place my mind goes is Dylan and why she isn't in arms. After about 5 minutes of laying there I sit up and open my eyes taking the Advil and downing the water I'm guessing Dylan left out for me...thanks babe...and looks across from me and just about pee my self when I see a very pissed of Tyler sitting across from me.

"Where's my girl at tyjo?" He rolls his eyes "your girl left." I look at him shocked and drop my head into my hands rubbing my face.

"Why-wha-whe...did I do s-something." He nods his head once still looking pissed as frick. I feel my eyes stinging with tears threatening to spill over. He knows I'm wondering what I did so he goes on without me having to ask. He pulls his phone out
Pulling up a vid on Instagram. I watch it over and over and over not believing what I see. I'm not gonna Deny its me because it clearly is but why would I do that. Tyler gets up walking to the bunks slamming the door that connects the front of the bus to the back. I turn my phone on automatically opening the text I got from Dylan at 8:55 this morning.

"Josh I know your probably wondering where I am and why I left if Tyler hasn't told you yet. But idk maybe you don't care. I know we weren't dating and we probably never would've but I opened up to u and trusted u and u just like crushed everything. By the time you do read this I'll already be home or wherever I do end up. Just know I don't think this will work and I don't think you should really try to make it work so don't please. Thank you. Bye Joshua."

I could hear her voice as I read the text. I don't realize I'm crying until I see a tear hit my phone screen. I open Instagram and find that video...which sadly wasn't hard... I listened to it a few times really really really carefully. After about 50 times of it playing I finally heard something over the loud music in the background. The last 6 seconds of the video you can barely hear it but I say "i love you Dyl." God I'm so stupid. Who gets drunk and thinks some slutty blonde is there baby...oh wait...I do... I lay down and start sobbing then go on her Instagram and see last post which was 45 minutes ago. My poor baby you can see where she tried to smooth over her tear stained face and bloodshot eyes. She looks so broken. She's smiling showing off her outfit and cute glasses. She captioned it "#ootd stole some of his clothes. on my way home. Lol." She was wearing my button down white shirt tucked into her jean shorts. I smile a bit and see she forgot to turn the location off when she posted it. I tell the driver to go to the hotel she's staying at. I cry the whole way there and change into some basketball shorts and a tank top putting on a black SnapBack to hide my hair then brush my teeth to rid it of the alcohol smell. When we get there I ask the front desk which room she's in and go to it knocking on the door. I hear sniffling then she opens the door. Her hair in a very messy bun her face sunken and tear stained her eyes and lips swollen. She's without a doubt been crying for hours. She's clutching my sweatshirt to her chest wiping her tears. She slams the door closed again as soon as she sees who it is. I slide down the door. Sitting on the concrete letting my head fall back.

"Dyl I'm not leaving...not until you talk to me...Tyler told me what happened and I just wanna talk to you and hold you..." I hear her laugh. "You really think I'm ever gonna let you touch me again Joshua." I tighten my jaw cringing hearing her call me Joshua.

"Dyl babe...I know it's my fault and I'm not here to lie to you...just let me in..." She open the door unexpectedly and I fall back into the room then stand up walking in sitting in the bed.

Not edited

Word count~~~1,686

Hope y'all enjoyed sorry this was so long...but don't ya love the drama. That's starting to happen...or do you hate it like I do

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