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Dylans p.o.v

I opened my eyes trying to sit up but immediately scream out feeling a sharp pain shoot across my back. Josh rushes in laying me back down gently then wiping my tears with his thumb. All the sudden everything that happened last came rushing back to me and a chill ran down my spine causing goosebumps to rise on my arms. Josh grabs his sweatshirt laying it over me telling me hell be right back. He walks out of the room and I close my eyes laying my head down holding joshes sweatshirt tight against me.

A tall nurse walks in and hands me a bottle of prescription pain killer. I take one washing it down with a sip of ice water as she continues talking. She tells me to take one every 8 hours and come back if there's any problems. I zone out until she says I can leave when ever I'm ready. I lay back Josh letting me rest for about 30 minutes while the medicine kicks in.

I slowly stand up my back still hurts a little but definitely not as bad as it did before. Josh helps me change into jeans and his sweatshirt then helps me fix my hair. He threw it into a messy bun and I sat back on the bed again my back throbbing.


"Where's Ellie?" He looks at me "Tyler's with her in her room we aren't allowed in for some reason."

"That's not fair jishy." He nods sitting down beside my pulling my head into his chest.

"I know Tyler's just being selfish and keeping her to himself." He laughed a bit causing me to laugh. I looked up at him and he looked at me smiling then kissed me gently rubbing my arms. I smile and close my eyes.

Me and Josh both sit up when we hear someone ask where I am. I'm assuming it's Ellie bc she just yelled no and I heard a smack. I feel really bad when I hear her yell "where is Dylan Evans ." For the second time. She probably thinks I'm like dead. I go to Stand up but Josh pulls me back down.

I stand to pack my things as Ellie runs in the room. I hear her bare feet pattering against the floor and turn around. "Ellie!" I giggle hugging her.

She hugs me tighter making me wince a little because she pressed against my stitches. "I thought you had died!" Ellie gasp I look at her and shake my head "why?"

She looks at me like I'm crazy and starts explaining what happened as if I wasn't there. "Well for starters we both got slashed in half by The devil." I purse my lips together looking at her.

My whole mood completely changing. "Ellie you know if you explain it that way to the police we will both be chained up in a psychiatric ward." I stated trying not to smile.

She giggled and hugged me again. "Well just tell them we didn't see the guy." She shrugged as if it wasn't a big deal. Even though it really wasn't a lie because if it was a person (which I highly doubt) we didn't seem him...her?...it?

She shook her head a bit after she zoned out a second. "What about... Buffy the white girl slayer? He was a pretty fly character." I laugh nodding and put a shirt in my bag. I finished packing my stuff and went to zip the bag as I heard Ellie gasp.

I turned around holding my arms out thinking she was going to fall. We both looked down see her leg wrapped in a huge white bandage. "You were hurt a little more than I was I only had to get a few stitches." I put her arm over my shoulder helping her back to her room Tyler hugging me then plopped down beside her.

I sit down in a chair my back throbbing. "Let me out of this dumb hospital I hate hospitals." Ellie groaned.

Tyler looked up at her. "Well you have a hell of a lot of stitches going up your leg so it'll have to wait." He paused wrapping his arm around her mid section and laying his head on her shoulder. "What even happened?"

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