The Triforce- Zelda POV

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After a moment of silence, I growled, "What are you doing here?" 

He smiled at me, as if he enjoyed my discomfort, "I came to take you back home."

"How did you find us?" Link asked, narrowing his eyebrows.

Ganondorf frowned, "I started to follow you, but I got lost, so I tried to make my way back to the village, and ended up here."

"I-I think," for a moment I didn't speak, then I continued: "I think you should put your hand in that fountain over there."

He stared at it as if just noticing it. "Why?" He asked

"Just do it," I pleaded.

The red-haired boy swallowed. "Okay, fine," he muttered, dipping his fingers in the water. The fountain turned a deep blood-red and Ganondorf reached it, taking out garments identical to Link's in all but color.

"This isn't good," I heard myself say under my breath. 

"What's going on?" demanded Ganondorf, waving the clothes above his head. "Nothing is making sense here!"

Link spoke again, startling the two of us. "Ganondorf," he said, "Calm down and listen. A voice came to Zelda and I in a dream telling us about an adventure. It looks like they- the goddesses, I mean- want you to come as well."


When we returned to the village, the elders and wise women gave us supplies for a long journey. 

"You shall leave in the morn," one of the elders told us. "You need all the time you can get,"

"Zelda," Link whispered when we were outside his house, I turned towards him. "Are you up for this?" he asked me. Ganondorf glared at both of us, watching our every move.

"Yes, I think I am, I think I can do this," I answered, fingering the magenta cloth. Link was holding his clothing with both hands, his sword was on the ground. 

"Link?" I asked him, "What is about to happen? Do you know?"

Link shook his head and turned towards the setting sun, it's golden colors shining of his ruffled hair

Ganondorf walked over to us, "We should all go home now, there is no time for goodnights if we want to have a good rest."

I looked at him one more time, and nodded without saying a word. Hopefully he got the hint that we shouldn't be having any last minute arguements before the quest. 

"Goodnight Link, goodnight Ganondorf," I said respectively. Ganondorf just grumbled a goodnight, while Link smiled at me. I grinned back and started walking towards my cottage, where my papa lived. He still hadn't been informed of our quest.

When I turned around, I saw Ganondorf staring at me, the failing light made his deep brown eyes look black. I shivered and turned back towards my house. Why did it seem Ganondorf always wanted to impress me? Half the time he was a creep and tried to get on my good side, even though it was annoying me so much.

Whatever. I'm sure I'm just being paranoid.


Short chapter because of lack of time, and because we aren't at the good part yet :) remember, any good recommendations are welcomed! Critisms are appreciaiated! :)

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