The Triforce- Ganondorf's POV

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I'm such an idiot. Why didn't I see this coming? Why did I kiss her? Did I expect her to suddenly fall in love with me? Just because she's never kissed Link?

After Zelda followed Link into Kokiri forest, I just sat and sulked by the glowing embers of the fire. After a while of staring into the fire, I started to see shapes. One minute the fire took shape of a stallion, running across a field of golden wheat. The next, it changed into houses lining a street full of merchants and dogs.

Suddenly, it changed to a woman with flowing hair and a dress made out of embers. "Ganondorf." She whispered.

I was so surprised I fell back from the log on my butt. Did the fire just talk?

"Yes?" I asked quietly when I finally regained control of my body. The image quivered. "You have lost all trust from the girl. You have been quite stupid. Regain control of your actions and you will be rewarded."

Then the image in the fire flickered and started dying. I jumped up and started fanning the flames. "No! Don't go out! It's nighttime! I'll be left in the dark!"

"Learn to see." Whispered the ghostly voice. It finally died out, leaving me in complete darkenss. 

This is when any sane person would retrieve their sword, to protect themselves. I am not a sane person. I curled up in a ball and waited for the monsters to come streaming from the forest.

I didn't have to wait long.

Seconds after I curled up into my frightened ball, the monsters started to caw. I felt their hot breath against my hair as they picked me up and started picking at me with their fingernails. I let out a strangled cry. "I am Ganondorf of the Gerudos! The only male to be born in 100 years! Leave me be!"

Where did that come from? The Gerudos? The people of Ordon only talked of them in whispers. My father hadn't educated me in any of the other tribes of people. I had to learn it from Link's father.

 Well, when he was alive.

But back to the present, I was still scared and frightened, but with a new, heightened adreneline. I kicked the monster that was holding me in their grip in the gut. It grunted and fell to the ground in a heap. The other two screeched (in pleasure? Anger?) and started approaching me. I snuck a peek to the right of me and saw the blade of my sword submered in dying embers. 

I swore under my breath, that sword will be scorching to the touch, I couldn't pick it up. Where was Link when you needed him?

The bokoblins were almost on me. I had to reach for the sword or else I would be monster dinner. One of them was literally a horse length away from me when I finally made up my mind. I did a barrel role towards the sword and picked it up on the way back up.

Where did that come from?!

The bokoblins shrieked in terror at the sight of my sword. I didn't understand why until I looked at it fully. The sword was bathed in a dark purple light. It emanated darkness.

I yelled a battle cry and swung my sword at bokoblin number one. Number one screeched at the blood on its chest and staggered back into the forest. 

I was about to swing at Number two, but some sweaty hands grabbed my stomache and pulled me away. Number two smiled evilly at me and waited until Number three had my hands tied behind my back with some rope.

They were taunting me. 

Caw. Screech. Growl. Grunt. Snort. 

Screech screech. Growl grunt. Snort caw.


They were guffawing. They didn't understand me, they just wanted me to keep screaming. They enjoyed it.


The bokoblins stopped laughing and stared at someone coming out of the forest. 

Link and Zelda both drew their weapons (Link, his sword, Zelda, her hairbrush) and easily finished off the monsters.

Zelda kicked both of the bodies into the forest and grimaced. "What did you do to provoke them? These guys are more gross than the usual lot."

I sighed. "I don't know, I said I was the leader of the Gerudos in some crazy fit of rage, but that was after they started attacking me."

Link and Zelda were both looking at me. "What is it? Do you guys have some connections with the Gerudos?"

Link shook his head and stared up at the cloudy sky. "I... I think so. But, I can't place where." 

I looked at Zelda, who's face was pale in the light of the still-dying embers. "I feel bad memories from that name Ganondorf. Can we not say it again? And look- the sky is cloudy, there's a storm coming. Let's make up shelters and get to sleep."

Surprised at the change of subject, I looked at Link, who was staring right back at me. "Are you sure you didn't do anything."

I stared at the now dead embers of the fire. "I'm sure."

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