The Triforce- Multiple POV's

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Pic- teenage Ganondorf :)

Ganondorf's POV

We had enough money to stay at an inn for one night, but no breakfast until we got a least a blue rupee from someone, and I was not begging!

Zelda and Link both agreed that it was too late to search for jobs when we met up again in the town square. Zelda kept giving Link these... Looks. It was weird. I didn't really understand it. Well, until my jealously made a connection.

What had she asked Madame Fanadi about? She had told me about the first part, but she was in there too long to have only asked her about career.

Was this Ganon's magic playing on me again? Is he trying to make me jealous so I would go to Death Mountain? 

He was in my mind. How did I know? Because when I fell asleep on the cold straw mat in the room we had rented for a night, he invaded my dreams.

Zelda is in love with Link. You are jealous, aren't you? Ganondorf, my servant, come to Death Mountain and fufil the destiny the Goddesses have chosen you for! You cannot stay away!

A small child came into my dream. It was me as a five year old. I was fishing in the stream Link and I used to play around. Suddenly, I froze, as if listening. The fishing line fell into the water and I watched it float away without a care. 

A woman was standing next to me. I recognized her as my mother, who had died when I was only two. I didn't remember much from her, only what people had told me. She looked beautiful.

She looked exactly like my brother, except... She was a girl, of course.

"Ganondorf..." She whispered. "I am calling to you from the depths of the otherworld... Go to Death Mountain... It's your destiny..."

"Mother?" I whispered and tried to run to her, but I couldn't move.

She put a hand on my younger self and disappeared. 

I woke up screaming for her.


Zelda's POV

Ganondorf was sick. His forehead was burning, and I couldn't bring his temperature down. He kept having hallucinations. He thought I was his mom, and he kept trying to hug me.

 Link was as freaked out as I was, but he still went out looking for a job. The hour he was gone was unbearable, I had to sing to Ganondorf to calm him down, which was pretty weird.

When I told him I needed to go out for fresh air, he made me promise I would come back. He was even crying when I left him.

But when I came back, it was as if he was a different person. But not Ganon different, just... Different.

He kept babbling about Death Mountain and hot spring water. He kept saying he needed a Goron to come here with hot spring water fresh from Death Mountain. I had to keep telling him that we didn't have any money. And unless we gave the innkeeper ten more rupees for another night, we would be kicked out of the inn with a crazy, hallucinating person.

We were not going back to Kakariko. We could figure this out on our own.

When Link came back, I brought him to the corner and whispered to him about how Ganondorf was doing.

"Well, is there anything we can do?" He murmured. "Nothing right now, unless you got a job. We need money really soon or else we'll be kicked out." I rubbed my forehead with my finger in anguish.

"I did get a job, and it pays pretty well. If we can just make a bargain with the innkeeper, we could pay her twice tomorrow." Link smiled. Ahhh... His smile...

Snap out of it!

"Okay, but you should do it." I told him.

"Why me?" He whined. I gave him a look. "You're a handsome young man, she will succumb to your charms, believe me."

Did I just say that?!

"Hey, thanks Z!" He grinned. "I think I will!"

He seemed a lot peppier after that. Ganondorf gave me the evil eye when I came over to him and said, "Why are you cheating on dad?"

That made me snort with laughter, which just made everything worse with Ganondorf, who refused to speak with me for a few minutes, but then gave in.

When Link came back from 'bargaining with the Innkeeper' he didn't look too happy. "She's kicking us out."

"What?" I cried, "I'll go knock some sense into that lady!" I pushed my sleeves up and started towards the door, but Link grabbed my shoulders and gently pushed me back into the room. "Get a hold of yourself Z, we'll find a way."

I gave the innkeeper the evil eye, as Ganondorf did to me a few minutes ago, while we trudged outside with Ganondorf leaning on our shoulders.

As we stumbled around town square, the locals giving us weird looks. I didn't care, all I cared about was finding a place to stay for one year.

Link kept an eye open too, peering down narrow alleyways and small town roads. Ganondorf just leaned on our shoulders and kept muttering nonesense. "I think we find places to stay at Death Mountain where there's lots of green grass and flowers and bunnies." He snort giggled when we stopped to sit down. "I went there once with my bestest friend in the whole wide world." He clapped Link on the back. "Linky-poo!"

I started laughing at Link's face. It was priceless. "Linky...Poo?" He asked hestitantly. Ganondorf nodded enthusiastically. "Your name is Linky-poo, right?"

I giggled. "No, his name is Link, but your name is Ganny-poo."

That stopped him. He glared at me and put his finger on my nose. "Listen here lady! My name is Ganon! Not Ganny-poo! Not Ganondorf! Ganon!"

I swiped his finger away and glanced at Link, who's eyes were wide. "Dude... Your name is Ganondorf... Not Ganon."

Ganondorf (or more like Ganon) was really starting to get angry. "MY NAME IS GANON! NOW LEAVE ME ALONE!" 

Then, to our horror, he raced through the gates of Castle Town and onto Hyrule Field.

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