The Triforce- Link's POV

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Zelda and I took one look at each other, and we were off like a shot. We both knew where Ganondorf was going, and were not letting him get away. 

Ganondorf was already several horselengths ahead of us, but Zelda and I are both quick on our feet, so we caught up pretty quickly with him. When we were within range, I took out my boomerang and threw it at his head, all the while thinking: sorry sorry sorry sorry dude!

It hit his head with a smack. But it didn't stop him, he just kept running. I stopped in my tracks and stared at his retreating figure. Zelda kept running, but turned her head to shout at me, "Link! What are you doing? Hurry up!"

"Don't chase him Zelda! I'll call Epona! We can't stop him on foot." I grabbed some horse grass that grew nearby and blew into it. Epona would be here in a matter of minutes. Zelda had already stopped running towards Ganondorf and was making her way towards me. "You, sir, are crazy." She scolded, "We aren't going to be able to catch up to him! He's obviously making his way towards Death Mountain, we can't endanger Epona!"

I shook my head. "Zelda, we aren't endangering her, she'll stop right at the entrance. She hates fire, so she won't even cross the gate." 

She still looked hesitant. I grabbed her hand and started running towards the small figure of Epona, she was still all the way across Hyrule Field in the opposite direction we were supposed to go, but we could still meet her halfway.

It took a few minutes, but finally we caught up to her and I threw Zelda onto her back. I hopped in behind her and braced myself as Zelda cracked the reins.

Epona took off like a shot. She was moving much faster than Zelda and I could run, so I had hope we would catch up to Ganondorf- er, I mean Ganon.

"Link!" Zelda shouted. "What if we don't find him? What if he's already with Ganon?"

"Ganon is now a part of him Zelda, or at least he's in his mind. Ganon's body might be in one of the caves in the volcano. We can't let them get there! We know that Ganon's spirit is controlling Ganondorf right now, but that doesn't mean we can't stop him!" I yelled back to her, hoping it sounded confident.

Zelda was quiet for the rest of the time on Hyrule Field. 

Even though she was quiet, I was thinking about what was going on. Shouldn't we have caught up with Ganondorf by now? I mean Ganon?

I can't start calling him that. Ganondorf was my best friend, he can't just be... Gone!

Why would he strike this deal with such a monster? Was he really that jealous of me and Zelda? Or was there something else? Everyone knew he didn't have a huge connection with his dad or his brother, maybe that was it. Maybe he struck the deal because he thought he had nothing to lose.

I wish I had made it clearer that I still was his best friend. He had just begun to be so... Terrible. That first day, when he through me aside of the road to go help Zelda, it was as if he didn't care what really happened to me. It was as if he didn't care about anything but Zelda. 

But I suppose, I felt that way to, when the wolf in me took ov-



Zelda turned around for a second, her eyes gleaming. "That's a perfect idea Link! Do it now!"

I concentrated. 

Midna? You there? Can you please change me into a wolf? Wolf... Wolf wolf wolf wolf wolf wolf wolf-


I fell off of Epona in a tumble. When I stood up, I felt myself changing. Zelda and Epona both kept charging towards the two stones signifying the end of Hyrule Field. 

I'm glad she doesn't have to see me change like this.

Fur started growing all over my body (I don't see how it could grow over my clothes, but I wasn't thinking about that at the time), my vision started to blur, and when I could see again, it was all black and white. My hands and feet grew long nails and fur sprouted all over them.

Finally, the transformation was over. I took off running, my wolf joints aching from changing so suddenly and not warming up my muscles at all.

As the wind whistled in my ear, I swear I heard a voice that said. "You can do it Link! I'm here for you!"

The first thought I had was- Midna?

I didn't have any real thoughts after that though, just bursts of ideas that the human part of me batted away because they endangered my sanity.

I passed Zelda and Epona quickly and shot off through the rocks that signified the exit of Hyrule Field. Death Mountain was only a few hundred horselengths away now. Or should I say... Wolf lengths?

Suddenly I could smell something... Familiar. I screeched to a stop and put my nose on the ground, sniffing. It was the scent of... Singed hay. The smell I always associated with Ganondorf. '

He used to burn hay all the time when we were kids. Mostly by accident, but sometimes he did it when I was just around for fun. The smell forever lingered with him. 

I pricked up my ears. Zelda and Epona had caught up with me. Zelda started moving her mouth, trying to say something, but I couldn't understand her.

I turned my head to one side to signify I couldn't really hear her. She sighed and shook her head, then pointed off towards the gate. I barked, turned around, and shot off towards the gate. I heard Epona neighing and complaining about how Zelda was kicking her too hard.

Then I heard Zelda give out a cry. I whipped around and saw Epona bucking. They were only a few horselengths away from the gate, and Epona was already getting skittish about the warmth.

And then it happened. Zelda was thrown off of Epona's back and fell onto the hard ground with a crunch.

I changed back into a human in a heartbeat and ran towards Zelda's broken figure. Epona was already running in the opposite direction.

"Zelda?" I whispered, holding her head up with my hand. Her eyes fluttered. "Link? I'm okay, I think my legs broken though." She grinned sheepishly. "Kind of destroyed our chance of finding Ganondorf, didn't I?"

"No, you didn't." I said stubbornly. "I'll carry you."

She groaned. "No, it's okay, I can walk. Just support me, okay?" She stood up shakily and leaned heavily on my shoulder. I took her hand and lead her towards the gate. Once we were through it, I sat her down on a rock. "I'm going to go find a Goron to carry you to safety. I'll save Ganondorf, okay?"

"No!" She cried. "We're doing this together! We have before and we will for the next thousand years!" 

She stood up and hobbled over to me. I took her arm and stared at her. "You really think we can get up Death Mountain with you having a broken leg?"

"I'm sure it's just sprained." She smiled sheepishly. I grinned back and her and gently started walking forward. It was mostly upward from here on, but I knew we would make it.

Hopefully before Ganondorf's spirit was intertwined with Ganon's.

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