The Triforce- Link's POV

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Link's POV

I wish I could remember her. She's so beautiful, and yet when I told her that, she started crying. Why? Had I never told her that before? My old self was an idiot, if that is the case.

Ganondorf, I remember him, I remember us fishing for the first week I was there. But... After that it was just a blur.

I remember someone with me when I healed Epona, and Lucy, and Boggart. And the squirrel, Zelda. I specifically remember what fish I caught with Ganondorf on the pier. Trout and salmon were my favorite. Sometime Ganondorf's father would join us, usually spending more time with me than Ganondorf, which surprised me. I remember my grandmother and sister, Aryll. I remember too much. I want to remember Zelda. I need to remember Zelda.

They refused to let me stay outside and fight with my sword, so I was forced to stay inside the wagon, Zelda drove the it, and Ganondorf sat next to her, sword at ready, in case anything tried to attack us.

The first part of the ride was silent and we weren't bothered. Zelda was whispering to Ganondorf, and I caught my name here and there. But I chose to ignore it, what could they be saying? "He won't heal?" of course not! We were going to see the shaman who would heal me presumably.

Suddenly, the carriage started bumping around, I heard arrows whisk by and swords clinking. Ganondorf yelled to Zelda, telling her to keep the carriage moving. Zelda agreed and the carriage didn't falter until the sounds of the fight were gone. I didn't hear Ganondorf. I didn't hear Zelda. "Zelda?" I called out.

"Yes Link?" she answered, her voice cracking.

"Where's Ganondorf?" I asked, frightened.

"I don't know Link," she said honestly.

"Can I come out now?" I asked.

"Yes, sit where Ganondorf was," I heard her say. I stood up the best I could I walked to the front of the wagon. I opened the cloth separating her from me and climbed out. She had her eyes straight ahead.

"Are we almost there?" I asked.

"Yes Link, almost, from what the Gorons said, we should be there in about five minutes." she smiled, "Ganondorf I'm sure isn't far behind, the horses are being good and going fast, we past the first marker of Kakariko a few miles back, saying we still had about an hour, but at this rate I'll say we'll be there in no time!" she was grinning. "What do you think?"

"I think I see the gate," I told her, pointing to the gate in front of us.

A few people were gathering at the gate, most of them were children. "What do you want?" one of them asked sharply.

"We're here to speak to the shaman, my friend Link has lost his memory, we come in peace." She held up her hands. The children still seemed wary, "the last person who came through wanted to kill papa!" another one said, she had black hair and long robes and brown eyes that peeked under her bangs.

"We aren't like that, we came from Goron mines after an explosion made us very weak, we are here to set things straight and become healed." They still looked wary.

Zelda was becoming desperate. "Please, bring your shaman, we mean no harm!" 

"You have a sword," the black haired girl proclaimed, "why would you lie to us?"

Zelda held up her hands in exasperation. "We just came from Hyrule field! We needed that sword to defend ourselves! Well, another one of our friends was... Lost a little way back, he was fighting for us, and we are eternally greatful."

The children, annoyingly, still looked suspicious. Zelda cried out, "Just summon the shaman! Please! My friend-"

"Looks fine to me!" the black haired girl interrupted, "I'm the shaman's daughter, I'm in training, you say he's sick? Please! He's as sick as you or I!"

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